SPRINGFIELD – With state resources stretched thin, State Senator Suzy Glowiak Hilton (D-Western Springs) voted to freeze her pay for the upcoming year so that taxpayer dollars can go to help struggling families.
Under state law, legislators receive an automatic cost of living adjustment each year. However, Senator Glowiak Hilton voted for a budget that provides $0 to pay for these automatic raises.
“During these unprecedented times all our state funds need to go toward helping those affected by the pandemic,” Glowiak Hilton said. “I am proud to freeze my salary. That money will be better spent helping provide relief to our small business community and getting people safely back to work.”
Illinois Comptroller Susana Mendoza, who processes legislator’s pay checks, confirmed Sunday that the budget the General Assembly recently passed does not contain any pay raises for legislators.
MARYVILLE – In an organized effort to replenish the stock at three Metro East food banks, State Senator Rachelle Crowe (D-Glen Carbon) is encouraging residents to drop donations off at a coordinated food drive this Saturday.
According to event organizer Tom Anderson, the collection site will be on the corner of Illinois Rt. 140 and Texas Blvd. in Bethalto from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. on Saturday, May 30. With a drive-thru style drop-off plan, volunteers will be accepting donations at that location for Community Hope Center in Bethalto, Crisis Food Center in Alton and Day Spring Four Square Church in South Roxana.
“One scripture has been my only motivation: ‘I was hungry, and you fed me,’” Anderson said.
“Residents are being turned away and going hungry, because our food banks are struggling to keep the shelves stocked,” Crowe said. “While there are many ways to help our friends and neighbors through the pandemic, I strongly encourage anyone able to donate to this food drive.”
The event, named the Karen Rodgers Memorial Food Drive, primarily needs food and other items for single mothers: diapers, wipes, formula, baby food and microwavable meals for children aged through 12. However, all non-perishable food items are being accepted, as well as monetary donations directly to each food bank.
If needed, a rain date is scheduled for the following day on Sunday, May 31 from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m.
SPRINGFIELD – With Gov. Pritzker’s signature, Illinois Medicaid recipients would be eligible for life-saving clinical trials to treat cancer and other serious diseases.
During the abbreviated session last week, the Illinois General Assembly approved a plan by State Senator Andy Manar (D-Bunker Hill) that would require Medicaid to cover routine care costs incurred for an approved clinical trial involving the prevention, detection, or treatment of cancer or any other life-threatening disease, as long as Medicaid would normally cover those same routine care costs for a non-clinical procedure.
“This is a major stride toward health care equity that will save lives. Access to the latest, most advanced cancer treatments can mean the difference between life and death for patients, treatments that they are unable to access today,” Manar said. “The type of insurance you have shouldn’t disqualify you from accessing treatment that could save your life.”
More than 20% of Illinoisans are covered by Medicaid, making it the second largest type of insurance behind Medicare.
Medicare and private insurance carriers are already required to provide coverage for routine care costs in clinical trial participation. Medicaid is not. This legislation would align Medicaid coverage for clinical trials with coverage under those insurance plans.
Because routine costs would be paid for by Medicaid if the patient were not on a clinical trial, there is minimal cost difference for Medicaid to cover these costs within a clinical trial.
This legislation was an initiative of the American Cancer Society.
“We thank the legislature for taking this step and look forward to working with them to continue to reduce Illinois’ cancer burden in the near future,” said Shana Crews, Government Relations Director at the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network.
CHICAGO – The state budget for the next fiscal year will increase funding to senior services to help some of the most vulnerable Illinoisans cope during the COVID-19 crisis, State Senator Emil Jones, III (D-Chicago) announced Wednesday.
“This pandemic has affected senior citizens harder than any other age group,” Jones said. “They are at more risk of contracting the disease and family members have had to limit in-person visits to decrease risk of exposure. This budget provides additional funding to ensure seniors have the services they need and to try to make social isolation a litter easier for them.”
To offer much-needed assistance to struggling seniors during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, the budget provides $201.7 million in additional funding to the Illinois Department on Aging.
This includes $1 billion in support for the Community Care Program, which provides cost-effective alternatives to nursing home placement and helps seniors maintain their independence. As long-term care facilities account for a disproportionate number of COVID-19 deaths across the country, programs that enable older adults to remain at home may save lives.
The funds will also allow the Department on Aging to continue to offer home-delivered meal services and run the Senior HelpLine, which connects older adults and caregivers with local programs and services. In addition, the budget increases funding to Adult Protective Services to expand efforts to prevent abuse, neglect and financial exploitation of older adults.
Area Agencies on Aging will receive an additional $1.2 million to provide community-based services to seniors at a local level.
“Tasks as simple as grocery shopping can be a risk for some seniors, so I encourage them to take advantage of services, like Meals on Wheels,” Jones said. “Seniors need to know we have their back and Illinois wants to ensure they stay safe during this time.”
PARK FOREST – The Kankakee River is a critical asset for neighboring communities, providing resources for nearly 80,000 people in Kankakee and Will Counties while serving industries that provide many jobs.
For decades, the river has suffered from excessive sedimentation, resulting in flooding and threatening its future. To help address this problem, State Senator Patrick Joyce (D-Essex) fought for and won $7 million for local flood prevention and other improvements in his first year in office.
“Since I took office, addressing the issues of the Kankakee River has been one of my top priorities, because I know how important the Kankakee River is to our community,” Joyce said. “Seven million dollars may not solve all its problem, but this funding will help people and industry better enjoy and make use of the river.”
The $7 million project is part of the Rebuild Illinois statewide construction program, and the money will be for river bank stabilization, silt removal and flood prevention projects.
“Access to clean, abundant water is vital for economic development and provides great recreation opportunities for families,” Joyce said. “These projects will help ensure the Kankakee River remains a great resource for years to come.”
Part of the $7 million will also go towards the flooding issues that have increased in the surrounding communities over the last decade.
SPRINGFIELD – With Gov. Pritzker’s signature, Illinois Medicaid recipients would be eligible for life-saving clinical trials to treat cancer and other serious diseases.
“We know that African-Americans are significantly underrepresented among those who participate in clinical trials, meaning we lose out on life-saving opportunities and unanswered questions then remain on the effectiveness of these medications for blacks,” said State Senator Mattie Hunter (D-Chicago).
“Because Medicaid recipients are much more diverse, this measure will help reduce that disparity for black patients and for low-income white residents, while advancing the overall fight against cancer.”
Read more: Hunter helps pass legislation to cover cancer clinical trials for Medicaid beneficiaries
GLENVIEW – As offices and businesses across the state begin to reopen under new health and safety guidelines, the Illinois Secretary of State will reopen driver services facilities to offer limited services starting June 1, State Senator Laura Fine (D-Glenview) announced Wednesday.
“There’s no rush to get to a facility, since expiration dates have been extended and services are still available online,” said Fine. “But it’s good to see the Secretary of State’s office reopening their facilities with employees’ and customers’ safety in mind.”
Read more: Secretary of State reopens facilities for new drivers, renewals beginning in June
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