Holmes chair 2 052520SPRINGFIELD — Assistant Majority Leader Linda Holmes (D-Aurora) looks forward to the relief the new budget legislation will bring following its signing by the governor this morning.

“This was unlike any other budget process given the unprecedented essentials funding required for the many services needed to respond and recover from COVID-19’s after effects,” Holmes said. “Education, human services, job recovery, infrastructure and public safety all needed immediate attention to get our people and institutions back on their feet and the economy back on track, and we pulled this together in a bipartisan manner.”

Holmes led the Senate Working Group on unemployment, which was a cooperative effort including input from labor and business groups.

“We’ve provided the Department of Employment Security with nearly $60 million in additional funding to help address the challenges with the unemployment system,” Holmes said. “I’ve heard from dozens of constituents who’ve had problems registering and receiving their benefits; this will help the agency increase the number of workers to help aid residents in navigating the unemployment system and process claims faster.”

Holmes also lauded the budget for ensuring the state will make its full pension payment commitment as planned. It is a cornerstone of ongoing efforts to address our underfunded pension systems, without taking away from COVID-19 recovery needs.

“People in the 42nd District need consistency and peace of mind right now, and the COVID-19 recovery budget items will provide help for those needing it.”