SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Laura Ellman introduced a measure to protect students, teachers and staff from radon exposure by requiring routine testing for all Illinois public schools.
“This legislation builds on previous protections to safeguard Illinoisans from life-threating radon exposure by reinforcing safety practices for some of our most vulnerable populations – our students,” said Ellman (D-Naperville). “Establishing regular radon testing in public schools is necessary to mitigate the onset of harmful health complications like lung cancer, with over 21,000 radon-related lung cancer deaths reported in the nation each year.”
Read more: Ellman strives to protect Illinois public schools from radon
SPRINGFIELD – In an effort to address critical water issues across the state and enhance current protections to fulfill existing water needs, State Senator Laura Ellman championed a law to create the State Water Plan Task Force.
“Over time, contaminants in our waterways pose serious health risks to communities and wildlife,” said Ellman (D-Naperville). “We need to ensure existing and future water concerns are addressed consequentially without any delays.”
This law requires the State Water Plan Task Force to address water issues and reevaluate environmental needs by assisting state and local authorities in the implementation of recommended plans. Further, it requires the task force to publish a State Water Plan at least once every 10 years and meet once per quarter each calendar year.
Read more: Ellman law strengthens water protections for Illinois
SPRINGFIELD – At the start of the 2025-2026 school year, all students in grades six through 12 would be required to learn about the dangers of fentanyl under a measure sponsored by State Senator Laura Ellman.
“Our youth represent our future, but also make up one of our most vulnerable populations,” said Ellman (D-Naperville). “We need to educate students sooner rather than later on the prevalence of fentanyl in our communities and the severe, long-term detriment it has on perpetuating the ongoing opioid epidemic.”
According to the Illinois Department of Public Health, a lethal dose of fentanyl is smaller than a drop of water. Opioids, including fentanyl, heroin and other drugs, are involved in 70% of fatal drug overdoses.
Read more: Ellman works to expand fentanyl education for grades 6-12
SPRINGFIELD – To encourage a statewide effort to adopt environmentally conscious infrastructure practices, State Senator Laura Ellman passed a resolution establishing the week of April 21 through April 27 as Green Infrastructure Week.
“This resolution reminds us all that we can help reduce flooding in our neighborhoods and communities,” said Ellman (D-Naperville). “Rain gardens, permeable pavement, green roofs and rain barrels all slow down water as it moves to and through our storm water systems.”
Senate Resolution 705 is the first measure to encourage construction of green infrastructure in Illinois. The resolution designates the week of April 21-27, 2024 as Green Infrastructure Week to promote an eco-friendly framework in the state to enhance natural areas and biodiversity.
When networks of natural areas are poorly managed or when urban design fails to properly control storm water runoff, pollution can have detrimental impacts on water quality, property and public health. SR 705 aims to encourage individuals, businesses and local governments to construct green infrastructure to mitigate this impact and help ease and prevent flooding.
“The developments we have made to enhance our biodiversity, agriculture, climate and water quality can be furthered by a united awareness amongst everyone in the state,” said Ellman. “I am pleased to advance this resolution to inspire individuals, businesses and local and state governments to take part in future green infrastructure initiatives.”
Senate Resolution 705 was adopted by the Senate Thursday.
SPRINGFIELD - To assist in recruiting and retention of women in technology positions, State Senator Laura Ellman passed legislation through the Senate to create the Women in Technology Task Force.
“I am extremely proud of the women in my district who worked so hard to get this legislation drafted,” said Ellman (D-Naperville). “They are passionate about how important parity is in technology, and the risks of when only one group of individuals implements technology that impacts every aspect of modern life.”
The measure would create the Women in Technology Task Force. It would study the recruitment and retention of women in technology positions, as well as their corresponding management chain. The task force would also seek to increase the representation of women in jobs that are based around technology.
Senate Bill 2682 passed the Senate Friday and now heads to the House for further consideration.
SPRINGFIELD – To alleviate the negative impacts light pollution poses on our state’s environment, State Senator Laura Ellman passed a measure out of the Senate to implement responsible outdoor lighting standards.
“We may not immediately think of light as a source of pollution or consider the impacts that artificial light creates,” said Ellman (D-Naperville). “This impact includes migratory birds, nocturnal insects, people who cannot experience a natural night, and our expenditure of resources.”
Light pollution refers to the brightening of the night sky by man-made light sources, including street lights and buildings. Excessive light in our night sky causes a variety of issues, such as interfering with bird migration, nocturnal insects and our optical health.
Read more: Senate approves legislation led by Ellman to reduce light pollution
SPRINGFIELD – A measure led by State Senator Laura Ellman to mitigate the opioid crisis by providing free fentanyl test strips advanced out of the Senate Wednesday.
“The opioid crisis in Illinois continues to be a source of concern for families, and the state is taking an important step to keeping our residents safe from fentanyl-laced substances,” said Ellman (D-Naperville). “This life-saving resource should be accessible to everyone.”
Currently, non-medical persons are authorized to administer naloxone to someone experiencing an opioid overdose under the Drug Overdose Prevention Program established by the Illinois Department of Human Services. Previous legislation permits pharmacists and retailers to sell fentanyl test strips over-the-counter and county health departments are able to distribute test strips to the public for no fee. Additionally, pharmacists, physicians, advanced practice registered nurses, physician assistants or their designee may distribute drug adulterant testing supplies to any person.
Read more: Ellman measure to expand access to free fentanyl test strips clears the Senate
SPRINGFIELD – A measure led by State Senator Laura Ellman to make the property tax exemption process easier for qualified seniors passed the Senate on Tuesday.
“My goal is to make property taxes seamless for seniors and remove their worries about the application process,” said Ellman (D-Naperville). “We are building on what has worked for our seniors in previous years, and this legislation extends that relief to all senior citizen homestead exemptions for years to come.”
Between 2019 and 2023, the requirement to reapply for the senior citizen homestead exemption was temporarily removed under a pilot program. Currently, in all counties in Illinois, apart from Cook, there is no review requirement to assess these tax exemptions. Senate Bill 2878 would permanently remove the renewal requirement and make reviews a permanent requirement for Cook County. For counties currently practicing automatic renewals, the county assessor must also conduct a review.
Read more: Ellman advances measure to bring Cook County seniors tax relief
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