SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Bill Cunningham held a press conference Tuesday to introduce legislation aimed to address a projected energy deficit for Illinois.
“With energy prices skyrocketing across the country and leaders in Washington opening the floodgates for fossil fuels, our bill makes it clear that Illinois will remain at the forefront of lowering energy costs while investing in clean energy,” said Cunningham, a Democrat who represents portions of Chicago and the Southwest Suburbs. “This legislation proves to the nation that we don’t have to choose between taking care of our communities, our economy, or our planet.”
Senate Bill 2497 would address Illinois’ energy crisis caused by rapid inflation and steep tariffs on many goods used to build and maintain energy infrastructure. The bill would also address and rectify significant delays in connecting clean energy projects to regional energy grids.
Read more: Cunningham introduces clean energy legislation that would save consumers $2.4 billion
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Bill Cunningham’s energy package to put Illinois on a path to reach its climate goals, meet increasing electricity demand and provide reliability for residents is one step closer to becoming law.
“This is a very important next step in energy policy in Illinois,” said Cunningham, a Democrat who represents portions of Chicago and the Southwest Suburbs. “We will not be able to meet the increasing demand for electricity in our state without a robust energy storage plan.”
Energy storage is the capture of electricity produced at one time for use at a later time by storing it in a rechargeable battery.
Read more: Cunningham passes legislation to boost renewable energy storage
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Bill Cunningham led a law adding new training requirements to identify potential skin cancer for chiropractors, nail technicians, cosmetologists and massage therapists.
“We wanted every ‘hands-on’ profession to receive this training so skin cancer can be more easily identified early on,” said Cunningham, a Democrat who represents portions of Chicago and the Southwest Suburbs. “We know that if skin cancer is detected early, it can be dealt with before serious issues arise.”
The legislation came about because of a nail technician who was able to identify carcinoma near their client’s fingernail. The nail tech had seen this in the past with a previous client, and the previous client reported back to the tech that it was indeed a cancerous growth. When the tech notified the new client about an abnormal skin growth, the client went to get it checked out, confirming the growth was cancerous and proceeding with medical treatment from their doctor.
Read more: Cunningham’s law requires new training for skin cancer identification
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Bill Cunningham’s measure to protect vehicle owners by updating towing regulations often abused by rogue towing companies was signed into law.
“We have residents getting a surprise $1,500 bill when all they’re trying to do is pick up a vehicle that was stolen from outside their residence,” said Cunningham, a Democrat who represents portions of Chicago and the Southwest Suburbs. “This measure will stop towing companies from charging any storage fees on stolen vehicles and makes sure that a proper notification process is set up.”
Read more: Cunningham’s measure to rein in rogue towing companies signed into law
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Bill Cunningham’s measure that updates liability guidelines in the Biometric Information Privacy Act was signed into law on Friday.
“In order for Illinois to continue being a leader on biometric protections for consumers, these changes were necessary,” said Cunningham, a Democrat who represents portions of Chicago and the Southwest Suburbs. “Not only did we preserve protections in BIPA, we made sure to clarify damages so businesses in our state are not crushed by penalties for violation.”
Cunningham’s measure limits the number of claims accrued should an employee bring a lawsuit against a company for a violation of BIPA. If a certain biometric identifier is collected by the same employer in the same manner, only one violation would accrue. This is a change from the previous interpretation of BIPA, where claims were accrued on a per-collection basis, which resulted in hundreds of claims on a repeated violation.
Read more: Updates to Illinois’ biometric privacy signed into law thanks to Cunningham
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Bill Cunningham led two initiatives to expand family counseling services and disability benefits for first responders that were signed into law on Friday.
“These laws recognize the job-related stress that first responders have to deal with,” said Cunningham, a Democrat who represents portions of Chicago and the Southwest Suburbs. “Many first responders will no longer have to worry if their department will cover family counseling services.”
House Bill 4460 requires every self-insured county and municipality to provide coverage for marriage and couples counseling for firefighters and police officers. Coverage for marriage or couples counseling has not been required in insurance plans for first responders because it had not been considered a diagnosable mental health condition.
Read more: Cunningham’s initiatives for first responders signed into law
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Bill Cunningham moved two initiatives to expand family counseling services and disability benefits for first responders through the Illinois Senate.
“We have to recognize that first responders deal with an enormous amount of stress on the job,” said Cunningham, a Democrat who represents portions of Chicago and the Southwest Suburbs. “Sometimes that stress carries over to the family, so this important initiative will strengthen their access to family counseling services.”
House Bill 4460 would require every self-insured county and municipality across the state to provide coverage for marriage and couples counseling for firefighters and police officers. Coverage for marriage or couples counseling is not currently required in insurance plans for first responders because it is not considered a diagnosable mental health condition.
Read more: Cunningham’s initiatives for first responders pass Senate
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Bill Cunningham advanced two key initiatives to expand family counseling services and disability benefits for first responders.
“First responders have to overcome an enormous amount of stress on the job, and sometimes that stress can extend to the entire family,” said Cunningham, a Democrat who represents portions of Chicago and the Southwest Suburbs. “This initiative will strengthen their access to family counseling services, which can be used as a tool to help overcome some of that work-related stress.”
House Bill 4460 would require every self-insured county and municipality across the state to provide coverage for marriage and couples counseling for firefighters and police officers. Coverage for marriage or couples counseling is not currently required in insurance plans for first responders because it is not considered a diagnosable mental health condition.
Read more: Cunningham advances new initiatives for first responders
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