SPRINGFIELD — A new law sponsored by Assistant Majority Leader Iris Y. Martinez (D-Chicago) will create training programs for young people looking to enter the building trades.
Her measure creates the “Training in the Building Trades Program,” which would award grants to community-based organizations to establish training programs for people ages 18-35 with interest in that industry.
“There is no one-size-fits all career path for young people, so we need to provide them with a variety of opportunities to learn and train for their future,” Martinez said. “These programs will give future trades professionals the tools they need to obtain a good-paying job and to give back to the state.”
Read more: Martinez law to invest in training for building trades
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Don Harmon (D-Oak Park), issued the following statement after Gov. JB Pritzker vetoed his legislation changing rules for court reporters:
“Today, at my request, Governor Pritzker vetoed my Senate Bill 2128, a bill intended to improve the practice of court reporting in Illinois.
“After the bill passed the General Assembly, I became aware of consequences unintended at the time that would be very disruptive to pending litigation and the practice of trial law if the bill became law.
“I’ve invited all of the affected stakeholders to join in a conversation about the legislative effort, and I look forward to working with them all to produce an even better bill.
“I’m grateful to the governor for his action today, which both avoids those unintended consequences and puts all of the stakeholders on an even playing field as we restart negotiations.”
SPRINGFIELD – A measure sponsored by State Senator Linda Holmes (D-Aurora) expanding insurance coverage for diagnostic mammograms has been signed into law by the governor.
Currently, insurance covers an initial screening mammogram without any co-pay or cost sharing. If dense breast tissue or an abnormality is detected, a doctor will want a second look with a more comprehensive ultrasound (diagnostic) mammogram, and a co-pay is applied. In Illinois, those co-pays can run from $600 to $700, which could discourage women from getting that screening.
“A diagnostic mammogram should be covered in the same manner as a routine screening mammogram,” Holmes said. “About 10 percent of initial mammogram results require a subsequent diagnostic mammogram, which can arguably be the most important test in the screening process. This new law can save lives.”
Read more: Holmes measure ends out-of-pocket costs for diagnostic mammograms
SPRINGFIELD – Two proposals passed by State Senator Julie Morrison (D-Deerfield) expanding the availability of anesthesia use in dental procedures for individuals with disabilities were signed into law recently by Gov. Pritzker.
“For individuals with a disability, routine dental procedures can be especially distressing,” Morrison said. “We want to ensure important dental work is being performed, however, as long-term serious health consequences can develop if left untreated.”
Morrison’s first proposal, contained in Senate Bill 111, increases the age of eligibility to receive anesthesia coverage for dental treatment for individuals with autism or a developmental disability. Under the new law, the age will increase from 19 to 26.
SPRINGFIELD – A package of proposals by State Senator Julie Morrison (D-Deerfield) aimed at increasing state employment of individuals with disabilities has been signed into law by Gov. Pritzker.
“Having a job means having dignity, independence and purpose, regardless of whether or not an individual has a disability,” Morrison said. “The State of Illinois should be a leader in showing that individuals with disabilities are just as capable in the workplace and have a valued role in contributing to our state and our economy.”
Morrison – who is chair of the Senate Human Services Committee and founder of the Special Needs Caucus – passed the series of measures to help break down the barriers to employment individuals with disabilities face.
Read more: Morrison: Illinois should be a leader in employment for individuals with disabilities
SPRINGFIELD – Illinois non-profits will be spared a tax hike thanks to legislation passed by State Senator Toi Hutchinson (D-Chicago Heights) that was signed into law on Friday by Gov. Pritzker.
Hutchinson’s new law – passed under Senate Bill 1257 – decouples Illinois from a new tax on nonprofits that was included in President Trump’s 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
“Across Illinois, nonprofits take care of our seniors, ensure children are safe in the community and support individuals with disabilities,” Hutchinson said. “Imposing a new tax on these organizations would only risk disrupting vital services that Illinoisans rely upon every day.”
Read more: Hutchinson law protects non-profits from tax hike
SPRINGFIELD – After a high-profile loophole allowed several Lake County Board members to draw their Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) pension while still serving on the county board, State Senator Terry Link (D-Indian Creek) passed a proposal to end the practice.
On Friday, Link’s proposal was signed into law by Gov. Pritzker.
“No elected official should be both serving in office while also drawing a retirement check for the work done in that capacity,” Link said. “It is a clear violation of the public trust and an integrity issue, as county board members have the ability to pass measures that could increase their own retirement benefits.”
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Bill Cunningham’s legislation to deter threats from being made against schools on social media was signed into law by Gov. Pritzker this summer.
“False threats are not only terrifying for students, parents and faculty, they also divert emergency response resources away from places where they’re really needed,” said Cunningham, a Democrat who represents portions of Chicago and the southwest suburbs. “This legislation will provide us with a mechanism to impose consequences that will deter these threats from being made.”
Under Illinois law, a person commits the offense of disorderly conduct when he or she calls 911 for the purpose of making a false complaint or providing false information, including a threat against a school.
Read more: Governor signs Cunningham’s measure to deter school threats
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