sandbags 052820PARK FOREST - As the Illinois River Valley continues to experience record-breaking rainfall, the dangers of catastrophic flood levels increase.

In order to mitigate flood levels the Illinois National Guard, Department of Transportation, and Department of Corrections deposited 150 million sandbags along the river, supplementing local efforts.

“In flood emergencies, we must act strategically and swiftly,” State Senator Patrick Joyce (D-Essex) said. “We want to make sure people stay as safe as possible under the current conditions.”

National Guard personnel and IDOC detainees who have been dispatched to help address the flood emergency have been screened for COVID-19 in order to keep the communities safe.

“Floods can cause a lot of property damage. In these trying times, it may be difficult for folks to replace some of the items lost to the flooding,” Joyce said.

According to Grundy County Emergency Services, residents have reported damage ranging from household items to structural damage.

Grundy County residents who have experienced flood damage can call Grundy County Emergency Services at (815) 941-3212 in order to assess their individual cases.