SPRINGFIELD – Home visiting is an essential program in the early childhood ecosystem that helps eligible parents and caregivers support their child’s development from the prenatal phase through age five. A legislative initiative introduced by State Senator Cristina H. Pacione-Zayas, which would codify home visiting programs administered by the Department of Human Services as they have done for over 30 years, passed through the Senate on Wednesday, March 29.
“All parents want to provide the best environment in which to raise their child, but the resources needed to best support their children may be inaccessible for many caregivers,” said Pacione-Zayas (D-Chicago). “Home visiting programs help connect families to community resources that can provide the support their children need to succeed, while also prioritizing greater family stability.”
Typical home visits involve in-person interviews with family members and caregivers, guidance on promoting safety in the family’s living space and coaching on approaches to parenting that promote healthy development.
Read more: Pacione-Zayas DHS home visiting program legislation passes Senate
SPRINGFIELD – In continuing the fight for reproductive rights for women, State Senator Celina Villanueva passed legislation that prevents crisis pregnancy centers from using deceptive practices that interfere with women’s health care decisions.
“We must ensure that women who are seeking reproductive health care are protected from deceptive and misleading practices,” said Villanueva (D-Chicago). “At a time when they are already vulnerable, they must have peace of mind that they won’t be taken advantage of. Health care – in all forms – should be safe and transparent.”
Senate Bill 1909 prohibits the use of deceptive practices to interfere with an individual seeking to gain entry or access to the provider of an abortion or emergency contraceptives, induce an individual to enter a limited services pregnancy center, in advertising, soliciting, or otherwise offering pregnancy-related services, or in providing pregnancy-related services.
SPRINGFIELD – The Illinois Electric Cooperative organized a trip to the Illinois State Capitol on Wednesday for children from all over the state. IEC, which provides electricity to rural areas, gave youth a chance to learn more about state government and see the Capitol up close, as well as time to meet some of their state senators while in town.
The children showed a lot of enthusiasm and curiosity throughout the visit. They were particularly interested in learning about the legislative process and how bills become laws. They also had a chance to ask questions of their elected officials and learn more about the work they do on behalf of their constituents.
"It was great to see these young people so interested in how our government works," said State Senator Christopher Belt (D-Swansea). "They asked some really thoughtful questions and showed a real understanding of the issues facing our state. It gives me hope for the future."
Read more: Illinois Electric Co-operative Day in Springfield
SPRINGFIELD – To raise awareness of Lyme disease, one of the most underreported and dangerous vector-borne diseases, State Senator Laura Murphy is creating the Lyme Disease Innovation Program.
“I hope that by bringing forth this proposal more people will learn how to spot tick bites and the symptoms of Lyme disease,” said Murphy (D-Des Plaines). “Illinoisans need to know the dangers of this disease.”
Lyme disease is caused by a bacterial infection transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected tick. Symptoms include fever, headache and skin rash. If Lyme disease is not treated, the infection can spread to the heart, nervous system and joints.
Read more: Leader Murphy creates program to raise awareness of Lyme disease
The multi-bill plan prioritizes employee wages, co-payers, eligibility and awareness
SPRINGFIELD – One in three families across the nation struggle to connect with affordable and accessible child care – an all-too-common issue millions of Illinoisans face. Members of the Illinois Senate Democratic Caucus outlined their child care agenda to combat low worker wages and expand eligibility at a press conference Wednesday.
“Working families deserve access to quality, affordable child care to ensure their children are in a safe, learning environment,” said State Senator Ram Villivalam (D-Chicago). “We also must ensure that our child care providers have a livable wage, the best working conditions, and great benefits. They deserve nothing less and they certainly should not be working in poverty.”
Part of the child care accessibility issue lies within an ongoing worker vacancies. According to a 2022 report by the Illinois Child Care for All Coalition, there are not enough child care spots available for half of Illinois children under six – in part because there are not enough workers. One in five child care workers live in poverty, making hourly minimum wage.
Read more: Senators Villivalam, Lightford and Pacione-Zayas announce child care agenda
SPRINGFIELD - State Senator Mike Halpin passed a measure through the Senate aimed at creating incentives to recruit much-needed emergency medical technicians in Illinois fire departments.
“Now that we’ve gotten this passed, we need to ensure the money is appropriated in this year’s budget,” said Halpin (D-Rock Island). “I look forward to working with Senator Anderson to get it done.”
Senate Bill 1750 would require the board of trustees of a fire protection district to reimburse the mandatory training expenses of EMTs, EMT-Is, A-EMTs or paramedics who are employed by or under contract with the district. The mandatory training expenses would be covered by a state-funded program.
Read more: EMT recruitment legislation sponsored by Halpin, Anderson passes Senate
SPRINGFIELD – To support working Illinois residents who may be fearful of their job security, State Senator Javier Cervantes advanced legislation to protect immigrant employees who are working legally within the United States.
”For years I stood beside marginalized groups as they fought for the same rights as everyone else,” said Cervantes (D-Chicago). “This is a huge win for employees working legally in the United States who may be fearful of their job security, and I am thrilled to see this legislation move forward.”
Currently, federal immigration law requires employers to verify that their employees are lawfully authorized to work in the United States. Immigrants who are employed have the possibility of receiving a “no match” letter from the Social Security Administration for a variety of reasons such as name changes, work authorizations, employment visas and other bureaucratic errors. Usually, employers terminate employees who receive a “no match” letter even though these employees could be legally working in the United States.
Read more: Cervantes passes legislation to protect marginalized employees
SPRINGFIELD – To expand coverage for preventative screenings for liver disease, State Senator Mike Simmons advanced legislation out of the Senate on Thursday.
“Liver disease is a silent killer. Often there are no symptoms for years until the disease is very advanced, so early detection can be vital in ensuring people with liver damage get referral to specialty care and treatments that can improve long-term health outcomes and save lives,” said Simmons (D- Chicago).
Senate Bill 1282 requires Medicaid, private insurance plans and government employee insurance plans to cover preventative screenings for liver disease for individuals who are at high risk for liver disease, ages 35-65 years old. Those screenings can include high quality preventative screenings such as liver ultrasounds, liver function tests, and other screenings that can help with early detection and management of liver disease.
Read more: Simmons legislation expanding access to liver disease screenings passes Senate
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