EAST ST. LOUIS – State Senator Christopher Belt is highlighting nearly $1 million in grant funding to the East Side Health District.
“Securing this funding for the East Side Health District is a proud moment in our continued effort to advance public health, clean energy and workforce development,” said Belt (D-Swansea). “The work we’ve done with the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act is just beginning, and with initiatives like these, we are ensuring that communities in the Metro East are not left behind.”
The East Side Health District received a significant boost in their mission to improve public health and the environment by advancing clean energy and workforce development, securing approximately $1 million to implement energy efficiency measures and expand solar energy initiatives across its six health clinics, serving Stites, Canteen, East St. Louis and Cahokia Heights—areas recognized as environmental justice communities. The Equitable Energy Future Grant Program is funded through the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act, which Belt supported in 2021.
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Christopher Belt advanced a measure to expand career and technical education programs to support regional manufacturing.
“A lot of kids grow up thinking that college is the only option to be successful, and while a four-year degree is great, there are plenty of high-paying jobs in the manufacturing industry that young people may not know about,” said Belt (D-Swansea). “For many jobs, kids might become interested because of a parent or family member, and we want to open the door for other youth without similar experiences. Further, for kids who may already be interested in technical education, this bill would give them the experience they need to get a job right away.”
Read more: Belt works to expand access to blue-collar job training programs in Metro East
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Christopher Belt advanced a measure to simplify the college admissions process for high school seniors and community college transfer students.
“To keep more students in our state for college, we have to make the application process as seamless as possible,” said Belt (D-Swansea). “We have done a lot of work on the admission process in Illinois in recent years, and this measure is another step in the right direction.”
Senate Bill 2448 would reduce barriers for students by offering direct admission to qualified applicants at all public institutions of higher education and community colleges that participate in the program. Under the legislation, students would no longer face the burden of repeated application processes or unnecessary application fees, ensuring a smoother transition into postsecondary education.
Read more: Belt advances measure to simplify college admissions process for Illinois students
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Christopher Belt advanced a measure to enhance early literacy education for students in kindergarten through third-grade.
“It’s so important that kids receive early intervention if they are having difficulties reading,” said Belt (D-Swansea). “The earlier a student is identified as potentially struggling with reading, the sooner intervention and support can start for the student.”
The Illinois State Board of Education created and adopted a Comprehensive Literacy Plan in 2024. The plan acts as a roadmap to enhance and unify core literacy instruction efforts statewide. It is designed to outline necessary supports and resources for literacy reform, ensuring all students receive developmentally appropriate and evidence-based literacy instruction. The purpose of Belt’s measure is to ensure kindergarten through third-grade students receive regular screenings for potential reading difficulties so those needing additional support can be identified early on and receive intervention.
Read more: Belt’s measure helps students with reading difficulties get help earlier
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Christopher Belt introduced a new measure to alleviate some costs for new mothers in Illinois by requiring all health insurance plans to cover car seats and cribs.
“New moms are shelling out a couple hundred bucks to purchase cribs and car seats, which is essentially a hidden tax on becoming a parent,” said Belt (D-Swansea). “Every mother in our state should be afforded the luxury of keeping their child safe in their home and on the road.”
Read more: Car seats, cribs for new moms would be covered by insurance under Belt measure
SWANSEA – State Senator Christopher Belt helped secure $2.4 million in grant money for the second round of the Equipment Upgrades Grant Program through the Illinois Grocery Initiative.
“All Illinois families deserve reliable access to fresh and affordable food,” said Senator Christopher Belt (D – Swansea). “This program has had an immense impact on our state's local communities and grocers. The next round of funding will ensure we can continue to support Illinois families.”
The Illinois Grocery Initiative Equipment Upgrades Grant Program provides grants for energy-efficient equipment upgrades for existing independently owned for-profit grocery stores, cooperative grocery stores, or not-for-profit grocery stores. Belt was instrumental in passing the Grocery Initiative Act in 2023 and has since supported legislation to spur economic growth and enhance benefits under the initiative.
Read more: Belt secures second round of Illinois Grocery Initiative Funding
SWANSEA – State Senator Christopher Belt is joining the Illinois State Board of Education in inviting residents to nominate a local school board member for the Thomas Lay Burroughs Award, which is presented annually to an outstanding member of an Illinois school board.
“I served four years on a local school board and know firsthand how important their duties are,” said Belt (D-Swansea). “School board members put care and quality into their districts to enhance the value of our students’ education. If you know a board member who has continued to make a positive impact on their school district, I urge you to nominate them for this respected award.”
The Thomas Lay Burroughs Award was created in 1991 in memory of late ISBE Chairman Tom Burroughs and is presented each November at a conference hosted jointly by the Illinois Association of School Boards, the Illinois Association of School Administrators and the Illinois Association of School Business Officials.
Read more: Belt urges residents to nominate local school board members for award
PEORIA – The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity announced 11 awards totaling $7.9 million through the Illinois Grocery Initiative New Stores and Equipment Upgrades Grant Programs to address food deserts and prevent grocery store closures in Illinois.
“Ensuring all communities have access to fresh, quality food is not just a priority – it’s a necessity,” said State Senator Christopher Belt (D-Swansea). “This funding through the Illinois Grocery Initiative is a major step toward eliminating food deserts in the state so every family, regardless of where they live, has reliable access to healthy food.”
Belt championed the Grocery Initiative Act in 2023 to tackle the increasing number of food deserts in the state. Under this law, DCEO is required to provide grants and other forms of financial assistance to grocery stores located in or to be located in a food desert.
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