stadelman 070723SPRINGFIELD – A new law championed by State Senator Steve Stadelman to expand consumer protections for renters in smaller buildings was signed into law today, making it more difficult for landlords to withhold security deposits.

“With this law, we are extending transparency to all renters,” said Stadelman (D-Rockford). “This law will ensure everyone has the same protections when renting.”

Currently, landlords can withhold security deposits for tenants in buildings with five units or more as long as they provide an itemized statement of damages within 30 days after a tenant moves out. For those living in a building with five or fewer units, a withheld security deposit does not require a statement explaining why and listing the damages incurred.

Senate Bill 1741 removes this limitation.

“If a renter does not get their security deposit back, they at least deserve an explanation from their landlord,” Stadelman said. “We want to prevent landlords from abusing the law by withholding security deposits without tenants ever knowing why. I am proud to see this legislation signed into law and will continue to fight for consumer protections for Illinois residents.”