SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Laura Fine proclaimed May 15, 2024 as Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Day to recognize residents living from the disease and increase awareness of symptoms and treatment options.
“Over 50,000 Americans live with tuberous sclerosis complex, but others go without being properly diagnosed because symptoms go unnoticed,” said Fine (D-Glenview). “There is no known cure for this disease, and individuals must be informed if they are to be treated properly and make important decisions about their health.”
Tuberous sclerosis complex is a genetic disorder that causes tumors to form in vital organs, such as the brain, heart, kidneys, skin, liver and lungs. The disease is known to be the leading genetic cause for epilepsy and autism and is as common as Lou Gehrig’s disease.
Read more: Fine resolution creates Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Awareness Day
SPRINGFIELD – Parents across the state continue to receive the call no one wants to receive: the call that their child has consumed delta-8 THC and is being transported to the hospital. Senate Majority Leader Kimberly A. Lightford is spearheading a measure to regulate these pervasive, unlicensed products.
“We are working diligently to protect consumers of all ages, help our cannabis industry flourish, keep the promise to our social equity communities, and not stifle reputable hemp business establishments,” said Lightford (D-Maywood). “Effective regulation is about safeguarding public health and fostering a sustainable, trustworthy market.”
A recent study by the Journal of the American Medical Association found that more than 11% of high school seniors report using delta-8. In response, Lightford is sponsoring Senate Bill 776 to regulate hemp derived THC, including delta-8 products.
Read more: Leader Lightford introduces measure to regulate hemp, delta-8 products
ROCKFORD – State Senator Steve Stadelman is pleased to announce that two businesses within the 34th District have been awarded grants through the Made in Illinois Grant Program.
“The Made in Illinois Grant Program is a crucial tool in our commitment to enhancing the industrial base of Illinois,” said Stadelman (D-Rockford). “Providing local manufacturers with the resources they need to thrive in a competitive global market will ensure a boost to the local economy.”
The program, which provides up to $50,000 in matching grant funding, is dedicated to fostering innovation and strategic advancements within the Illinois manufacturing sector. Forty recipients across the state were awarded a combined total of $1.7 million.
Read more: Stadelman announces local manufacturing grant recipients
SPRINGFIELD - State Senator Ram Villivalam participated in a rally Thursday hosted by the Illinois Environment Council to continue advocating for a cleaner environment in Illinois.
“Illinois’ current transportation system has major implications for climate, health and equity. Roughly nine million Illinois residents live in areas that regularly experience air that the EPA has determined is unsafe to breathe,” said Villivalam (D-Chicago). “That’s 71% of the state’s entire population, and that dirty air disproportionately impacts disadvantaged, overburdened communities of color. Unfortunately, our transportation sector massively contributes to that pollution.”
Villivalam is leading the charge in clean transportation efforts throughout Illinois, serving as chief sponsor of the Clean and Equitable Transportation Act. Senate Bill 3936 would reduce greenhouse gas emissions to be 100% carbon free sector-wide, while targeting other transportation needs that will establish clean energy and jobs.
Read more: Villivalam echoes need for clean and equitable transportation within Illinois
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Rachel Ventura led a resolution through the Senate to declare a day in Illinois to recognize child care providers.
“As a mother, I see the selfless dedication of child care providers and all they do to keep our children safe,” said Ventura (D-Joliet). “It truly does take a village to help raise children, and for single parents, they can be a much needed lifeline.”
Senate Resolution 896 recognizes May 10, 2024 as Child Care Provider Appreciation Day.
Read more: Ventura declares Child Care Provider Appreciation Day in Illinois
SPRINGFIELD – Standing alongside advocates from various health care organizations, State Senator Julie Morrison outlined her plan to expand private insurance coverage for medically necessary glucose monitors and related supplies.
“Increasing coverage of medically necessary services can greatly improve an individual’s quality of life,” said Morrison (D-Lake Forest). “As chair of the Senate Health and Human Services Committee, I am devoted to protecting people’s health and livelihood.”
Senate Bill 3414 would require insurance companies to cover glucose monitors, related supplies, and training in the use of glucose monitors for individuals diagnosed with any form of diabetes. The measure includes that an individual won’t need to have prior authorization for coverage for a glucose monitor and prohibits insurance from imposing cost-sharing requirements.
Read more: Morrison initiative to expand insurance coverage for diabetes supplies
SPRINGFIELD – To increase awareness, sensitivity and compassion for those affected by tardive dyskinesia, State Senator Laura Fine led a resolution to designate May 5-11, 2024 as Tardive Dyskinesia Awareness Week in Illinois.
“People seeking treatment for a mental health condition are already experiencing personal hardships and may not realize their potential for developing tardive dyskinesia, which could further impact their emotional well-being,” said Fine (D-Glenview). “It is critical we understand what this condition means for an individual in order to best help them live with dignity and to give them necessary resources.”
Tardive dyskinesia is a condition characterized by uncontrollable movements affecting the face, torso and other body parts. This condition may develop after several months of taking certain medications to treat mental health conditions such as bipolar disorder, depression and schizophrenia. Approximately 600,000 people in the U.S. experience symptoms of tardive dyskinesia.
Read more: Fine establishes Tardive Dyskinesia Awareness Week
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Paul Faraci advanced legislation to extend the Energy Assistance Act, which provides low-income households with financial assistance on utility bills.
“Every resident in our state should have access to essential services,” said Faraci (D-Champaign). “The ability to heat or cool your home should be a fundamental right, not a privilege.”
Faraci’s measure would eliminate the scheduled sunset date on a state fund that finances two needs-based assistance programs – the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and the Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP). The fund was set to shut down Jan. 1, 2025.
Read more: Faraci extends utility assistance program for low-income households
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