CHICAGO – Members of the Illinois Senate Transportation Committee will hold a joint hearing with the Senate Executive Sub-committee on Procurement to discuss Senate Bill 1900 on Monday, Sept. 27.
“As chair of the Senate Transportation Committee, I am committed to exploring new ways to make our transportation network safe and accessible with the absolute stewardship of taxpayer dollars as a top priority,” Villivalam said. “We will have a robust, transparent discussion on encouraging private investment that may ease the financial burden on our state and invite our economic drivers to have a stake in the transportation network.”
Read more: Villivalam: Senate Transportation hearing scheduled for Monday
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Ram Villivalam (D-Chicago) released the following statement on the passage of Senate Bill 18, the Energy Transition Act:
“The Energy Transition Act is the strongest clean jobs plan in the nation, and I am proud to have voted in support of this legislation.
“This comprehensive package expands our renewable energy portfolio to make Illinois a leader in the fight against climate change. It sets bold decarbonization goals that prioritize the health of all Illinois residents, including those most affected by environmental injustice, and creates grant programs so working people in the energy sector experience a just transition to a good-paying job in clean energy.
Read more: Villivalam: Illinois leads fight against climate change with Energy Transition Act
CHICAGO – To better serve undocumented and immigrant communities, legislation introduced by State Senator Ram Villivalam (D-Chicago) that would allow municipal ID cards to be used to access state services and facilities was signed into law today.
“All residents of Illinois, regardless of immigration status, should be able to receive essential state services,” Villivalam said. “Today Illinois renews its commitment to undocumented and immigrant communities that we are the most welcoming state in the nation.”
Read more: Villivalam makes state services more accessible through CityKey ID
CHICAGO – To create a comprehensive, inclusive health and safety curriculum for Illinois public schools, State Senator Ram Villivalam’s (D-Chicago) Keeping Youth Safe and Healthy Act was signed into law today.
“No student should feel stigmatized or excluded in the classroom,” Villivalam said. “This legislation establishes guidelines for an inclusive, culturally competent curriculum to keep students safe and healthy.”
The Keeping Youth Safe and Healthy Act establishes the requirements for public and charter schools that elect to teach comprehensive personal health and safety education in grades K-5, and comprehensive sexual health education in grades 6-12. A parent or guardian can opt their student out of instruction. Schools will retain local control through the selection of curriculum and instructional materials.
Read more: New Villivalam law creates inclusive health and safety education curriculum
CHICAGO – So students of all faiths can practice freely, a bill sponsored by State Senator Ram Villivalam (D-Chicago) and State Rep. Dan Didech (D-Buffalo Grove) that would provide students with five excused absences for religious holidays was signed into law today.
“Illinois is a diverse state with several religious communities,” Villivalam said. “Our school calendar will now reflect the diversity of our state and allow students of all faiths the flexibility to practice according to their religious calendar.”
Read more: New Villivalam law allows students excused religious absences
SPRINGFIELD –To provide quality care to patients with Alzheimer’s disease, legislation introduced by State Senator Ram Villivalam (D-Chicago) that adds Alzheimer’s and dementia training to the license renewal process for doctors and other healthcare providers was signed into law today.
“Diagnosing Alzheimer’s early is essential for receiving the best treatment possible. This new law will better enable healthcare professionals to identify and recommend resources for patients showing signs of dementia.”
Read more: New Villivalam law expands Alzheimer’s training for doctors
CHICAGO – To protect the wellbeing of public school employees, a new law offered by State Senator Ram Villivalam (D-Chicago) that will reduce the work requirement for family and medical leave was signed today.
“Our educators and school staff work on the frontlines every day to provide a quality education for our youth and deserve their leave with no strings attached,” Villivalam said. “This law commits to protecting the public health of our teachers, staff and students.”
Read more: Villivalam expands family and medical leave for public school employees
CHICAGO – State Senator Ram Villivalam (D-Chicago) released the following statement after the passing of AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka today:
“My heart is heavy with the loss of Richard Trumka. Millions of working people across the nation are grieving, as we have lost a pillar of the labor movement.
“Richard Trumka was a devoted fighter for working people who knew that when we stand together, we can make life better for ourselves and each other. His passing will be felt deeply by those in the AFL-CIO and all our brothers and sisters in labor.”
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