­Senator Villivalam


SPRINGFIELD – To better meet the needs of Illinois’ Indian American population, State Senator Ram Villivalam (D-Chicago) advanced legislation in the Senate State Government Committee to create the Illinois Indian American Advisory Council.

“As the son of Indian immigrants, I am committed to doing all I can to make Illinois the most welcoming state,” Villivalam said. “This council will uplift Indian voices and ensure all of the diverse communities that contribute to our state’s success have a seat at the table.”

House Bill 4070 creates the Illinois Indian American Advisory Council to recommend policy on issues affecting the Indian American community in our state. The advisory council will consist of 21 members with recognized experience in higher education, business, trade, law, social services, immigrant and refugee services, community development, or health care. The council will submit semi-annual reports in June and December.

Indian Americans are the largest Asian American and Pacific Islander ethnic group in Illinois, with more than 270,000 calling our state home.

House Bill 4070 passed the Senate State Government Committee and awaits consideration before the full Senate.
