­Airline employees

CHICAGO – Airline employees may use sick time to care for family members now that legislation sponsored by State Senator Ram Villivalam (D-Chicago) was signed into law Friday.

“Access to paid family and medical leave is essential for the future of work,” Villivalam said. “Airline workers shouldn’t have to choose between caring for sick loved ones and keeping food on the table and a roof over their heads.”

House Bill 106 amends the Employee Sick Leave Act by removing a line that exempted airline employees from coverage. This change allows these workers to use already-earned sick time to care for sick family members.

The new law, this year’s transportation omnibus package, also extends the secretary of state’s emergency rulemaking authority on the expiration date of driver’s license renewals and various other permits through Jan. 1, 2023. It also amends the State Aviation Program Fund to clarify that homeowners near Chicago’s Midway International Airport shall receive at least 15% of costs associated with replacing windows and doors from the fund.

House Bill 106 is effective immediately.