BELLEVILLE, Ill. – Alarmed at the skyrocketing cost of energy for area residents, state Rep. Jay Hoffman, D-Swansea, and state Sen. Christopher Belt, D-Cahokia, on Thursday introduced a $200 million rebate program that would deliver an estimated $170 to Ameren residential and small commercial energy customers.
“Residents are unfairly being hit with significant increases to their energy bills,” Hoffman said. “That’s why we’ve been negotiating for weeks with stakeholders and working on a proposal that will deliver real relief for families and small business owners. This isn’t a small rebate; this is real money that families need to receive.”
“With the cost of energy and inflation on the rise, families are feeling pressured to choose between paying their bills, putting food on their tables or being responsible for subsequent late fees,” Belt said. “This rebate plan for Ameren customers puts money back into the pockets of working families, and I look forward to advocating for its passage in the Senate. I appreciate my partnership with Rep. Hoffman, community stakeholders and the public for helping to craft this proposal.”
Hoffman’s House Bill 5799 and Belt’s Senate Bill 4226 create the Power Price Mitigation Rebate Act, focused on helping Ameren region residential and small commercial energy customers with monthly rebates for the months of August through December 2022. The $200 million rebate program would provide customers with a total fixed rebate of around $170 over multiple months.
Read more: Hoffman and Belt Plan would Return Money to Ameren Users; Address Higher Bills
EAST ST. LOUIS – With support from State Senator Christopher Belt, the Illinois Department of Transportation announced more than $90.5 million in state and local highway road improvements for the 57th District.
“The Rebuild Illinois capital program has made lasting, positive improvements to the state, and the work is just getting started,” said Belt (D-Swansea). “Investing in the Metro East’s transportation is vital, as it will continue to create jobs, promote economic growth and keep residents safe when traveling.”
As part of IDOT’s latest Multi-Year Plan under the Rebuild Illinois program, officials in the 57th District are scheduled to begin 26 infrastructure projects totaling an estimated $90,551,000 in Fiscal Year 2023. Notable state highway projects include:
These projects are part of IDOT’s Multi-Year Plan, a $34.6 billion investment in construction projects for the next six fiscal years.
Local roads will also see improvements, scheduled projects include:
The $34.6 billion will go to highway reconstruction and preservation, bridge improvements, strategic expansion, system support such as engineering and land acquisition, and safety and system modernizations. Over six years, the funding will be dispersed to improve more than 2,500 miles of roads and nearly 10 million square feet of bridges.
To find a full list of projects slated for the 57th Senate District, visit IDOT’s website.
BELLEVILLE—Thanks to support from State Senator Christopher Belt – who is a longstanding advocate of investing in public safety – a new police training academy is coming to Belleville.
"Criminal justice reform can't just be about changing a few policies, we need to think about every aspect of the justice system. That includes how we train those in positions of responsibility," said Belt (D-Swansea). "When public safety officers, forensic scientists and law students are all learning alongside each other, everyone benefits from the diversity of experiences and perspectives."
Read more: New police training academy coming to Belleville thanks to Belt
EAST ST. LOUIS – To improve infrastructure and create jobs for residents, State Senator Christopher Belt announced the Village of Fairmont City as a recipient of a Rebuild Downtowns and Main Streets grant through the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.
“Residents depend on reliable, safe transportation to prosper in their communities and spur economic development in the region,” said Belt (D-Swansea). “The $1.27 million investment in the Village of Fairmont City will create jobs for residents to maintain roadways and improve existing infrastructure.”
To enhance the quality of life for local families and create jobs for residents, the Village of Fairmont City was awarded $1.27 million for roadway, streetscape and drainage infrastructure improvements along the Cookston Street corridor.
The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity announced $106 million in capital grants that were awarded to revitalize 50 commercial corridors and main streets across Illinois. The historic Rebuild Illinois Downtowns and Main Streets Capital program represents the largest-ever Rebuild Illinois investment focused on community revitalization.
A full list of grantees is available on DCEO’s website.
EAST ST. LOUIS – State Senator Christopher Belt joined Gov. JB Pritzker and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency to announce a $9.9 million investment to improve the sewer collection system in Cahokia Heights.
“Families who call Cahokia Heights home have dealt with persistent sewage and flooding issues in their homes, neighborhoods and community for decades,” said Belt (D-Swansea). “With this investment, I appreciate Gov. Pritzker and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency for acknowledging the importance and urgency of updating the sewage infrastructure and helping us address flooding concerns.”
Made possible through the Rebuild Illinois grant program, the $9.9 million is slated to be used to rehabilitate and replace approximately 35 lift stations, 5,800 feet of cured-in-place pipe liner and 3,500 feet of slip lining in the main trunk line.
Read more: Belt secures nearly $10 million to update sewers in Cahokia Heights
EAST ST. LOUIS – In response to record rainfall resulting in numerous families being displaced in East St. Louis, State Senator Christopher Belt (D-Swansea), State Rep. Latoya Greenwood (D-East St. Louis) and State Rep. Jay Hoffman (D-Swansea) are working with local, state and federal leaders to address public safety concerns and released the following statements:
“Flood waters pose a significant threat to a community’s health, safety and property,” said Rep. Hoffman. “Families in East St. Louis are at the forefront of our recovery efforts following last week’s historic rainfall.”
Read more: Metro East legislators working to address floods in East St. Louis
EAST ST. LOUIS – Burning toxic synthetic chemicals will be banned thanks to a measure sponsored by State Senator Christopher Belt that was signed into law Wednesday.
“PFAS can harm people and the environment,” said Belt (D-Swansea). “This initiative stems from concerns that our neighbors have surrounding the waste incinerator in Sauget, which puts Metro East residents at risk of exposure to these harmful substances.”
Read more: New Belt law bans burning toxic chemicals in Illinois
CHICAGO – People will have an additional opportunity to become an organ donor thanks to a measure championed by State Senator Christopher Belt that was signed into law Friday.
“Organ donors save countless lives every year,” said Belt (D-Swansea). “After living on dialysis for a year, I received a kidney transplant in January 2010. I know the importance of giving people more opportunities to become organ donors.”
House Bill 4696 allows the Department of Natural Resources to offer online hunting license holders the opportunity to be redirected to the First Person Consent Organ and Tissue Donor Registry. On average, 300 people die each year waiting for an organ donation. More than 4,700 Illinois residents are waiting for an organ or tissue donation. In 2020, there were 7 million Illinoisans registered as organ donors.
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