CHAMPAIGN – State Senator Scott Bennett is reminding Illinois residents that October is College Changes Everything Month in Illinois. This month, the Illinois Student Assistance Commission teams up with high schools and community partners to support students in their college admission processes.
“The transition from high school to college can be confusing to students, which often times turns away interest in pursuing higher education,” said Bennett (D-Champaign). “College Changes Everything Month is a great time to take advantage of the resources available to high school seniors.”
Read more: Bennett highlights College Changes Everything Month this October
CHICAGO HEIGHTS– Last Friday, State Senator Patrick Joyce joined local community leaders to launch the Southland Reactivation Act. The purpose of the Southland Reactivation Act is to attract development, create jobs and lower property taxes in the south suburbs.
“This bill is a big win for the Southland community. It will break the cycle of disinvestment that has been happening for too long in this area,” said Joyce. “This economic development tool has the potential—at no cost to the State— to address blight, expand the tax base, create local jobs in the south suburbs and assist in reducing property taxes for homeowners.”
Read more: Joyce joins with community leaders to launch Southland Reactivation Act
CHICAGO – Illinois Senate Democrats celebrated the Illinois Department of Unemployment Security’s announcement of a $450 million payment towards the remaining $1.8 billion borrowed from the state’s unemployment trust fund.
“Paying down this debt continues to strengthen our fiscal security, adding to the benefits the Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund is seeing from historic low unemployment,” said State Senator Linda Holmes (D-Aurora). “The fund now has a $1.2 billion surplus due to fewer claims, making it very practical to pay back the borrowed funds. It’s another great step in our state’s record of continuous financial improvements of the past few years.”
Read more: Senate Democrats celebrate significant payment toward unemployment insurance loan
CHICAGO – Today Senate Democrats spoke out in support of the final design of the new headquarters for the University of Illinois Discovery Partners Institute in Chicago and apprenticeship partnership programs planned for the institute.
Within the next five years, the Chicago/Skills apprenticeship program will provide as many as 2,500 individuals with tuition free technology training along with paid apprenticeship opportunities, focusing on diverse apprentices. CVS has committed to hiring 200 successful participants of the program every year for the next three years.
“The Chicago/Skills apprenticeship program is a much-needed investment for our communities,” said Senator Tony Munoz (D-Chicago). “Oftentimes people don’t have the means to gain the skills needed to find a job in the labor force. This apprenticeship program will give more people the training they need to be successful.”
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