
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Christopher Belt advanced a measure through the Senate that would establish the Justice40 Oversight Committee to move the Justice40 initiative forward in Illinois.

“We have seen how climate change and environmental degradation has negatively affected communities all over the nation, specifically disadvantaged ones,” said Belt (D-Swansea). “As lawmakers, it’s our responsibility to address these issues and begin to prioritize investments in climate and clean energy.”

The federal government created the Justice40 initiative to confront and address decades of underinvestment in disadvantaged communities. The initiative is to deliver at least 40% of the overall benefits from federal investments in climate change and clean energy to disadvantaged communities.

House Bill 2487 would create the Justice40 Oversight Committee to advance this federal initiative in the state. The committee would be responsible for compiling findings, conclusions and recommendations regarding environmental justice and uses of federal funds for climate change and clean energy purposes.

“This is a major win for many communities around the state that have been disproportionately impacted by climate change and pollution,” said Belt. “It’s a significant step forward toward a more equitable and just transition to a clean energy economy.”

House Bill 2487 passed the Senate.