peters 050423 floor

SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Robert Peters passed a measure Thursday expanding the No Representation Without Population Act.

“Prison gerrymandering is a tool that makes incarcerated individuals unfairly represented in the electoral process,” said Peters (D-Chicago). “Using the correct demographic information for incarcerated individuals will ensure more equitable and suitable representation.”

The No Representation Without Population Act, requires incarcerated individuals be counted at their home address for redistricting purposes.

HB 1496 will require sentencing court clerks to record demographic information such as the incarcerated individual’s race, and whether the person is 18 years of age or older in addition to the person's last known street address prior to incarceration. During census years, the measure also requires the Department of Corrections to report to the State Board of Elections the last known street address of the individual before incarceration, or to report an address collected if the incarcerated individual is eligible for parole.

“This measure helps legislators have an accurate sense of their constituency,” Peters said. “Equal and fair representation is a founding principle of the United States. This measure preserves this fundamental principle.”

House Bill 1496 passed the Senate Thursday.