SPRINGFIELD – In response to the Senate’s passage of comprehensive clean energy legislation, State Senator Cristina Pacione-Zayas (D-Chicago) released the following statement:
“As extreme weather conditions currently threaten thousands across this country, we must realize that a 100% renewable energy future is not a dream, but an imperative. I’m proud to see Illinois take action to definitively end our reliance on fossil fuels that also protects communities that have been historically and systematically marginalized and harmed by the practices of corporate polluters.
Read more: Pacione-Zayas celebrates passage of landmark energy legislation
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Robert Peters (D-Chicago) praised the energy plan that passed the General Assembly Monday, saying it will help fight climate change and transition Illinois to a renewable energy economy that includes minority workers.
“I represent a district that borders Chicago’s lakefront, and we’re seeing the results of climate change now,” Peters said. “Changing water levels are causing increased erosion and endangering parks, businesses, and homes on Lake Michigan. But, those are just short-term effects – in the long term, we’re talking about making sure humans can still live on the planet.”
Read more: Peters praises energy plan that fights climate change
SPRINGFIELD — Senate President Don Harmon’s statement on the Illinois Senate giving final approval to a sweeping climate and energy proposal.
“The threat to our planet is real.
Our goal all along was to enact reliable, renewable and affordable energy policies that position Illinois to lead the nation in combatting climate change and growing a green energy economy.
That is exactly what we are doing here today.
SPRINGFIELD – After countless hours of negotiations, State Senator Christopher Belt (D-Swansea) released the following statement in support of the comprehensive energy package that prioritizes jobs in the energy workforce:
“As we move toward making Illinois a national leader in the clean energy conversation, we are ensuring families who rely on energy-related jobs are protected. This landmark legislation prioritizes the hardworking people of Illinois’ energy industry.
Read more: Belt supports landmark energy package that prioritizes jobs
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