SPRINGFIELD – To allow more people to access HIV preventative care easier, State Senator Mike Simmons (D-Chicago) is leading a measure to allow pharmacists to provide HIV tests and preventative medications to help reduce new HIV infections.
Simmons’ measure would allow pharmacists to dispense and administer drugs, order laboratory tests, and consult individuals related to HIV pre-exposure drugs (PrEP) and post-exposure drugs (PEP). Pharmacists would first have to complete an educational training course on the administration of tests and medications prior to being permitted to assist patients.
“This bill will cut down on waiting times and provide potentially life-saving care to thousands of Illinoisans,” Simmons said. “Doing so will especially help reduce new HIV infections among cisgender Black women, LGBTQ+ people, Latinos, and those who lack health insurance.”
SPRINGFIELD – Those without health insurance could receive information on available state health insurance with a check of a box thanks to a measure sponsored by State Senator Steve Stadelman (D-Rockford) that passed through the Illinois Senate on Friday.
“This change will allow many without health insurance to obtain information on available state health insurance options that they may not have known existed,” Stadelman said. “Knowing your available options is the first step for many people to get covered and it’s as simple as checking a box on a form.”
House Bill 5142 would establish a health insurance “easy enrollment” program by including a checkbox on all Illinois income tax forms that taxpayers may check to request more information on available health insurance options and prices.
Read more: Stadelman passes measure to increase awareness of state health insurance options
SPRINGFIELD –In an effort to keep unused prescription drugs out of the hands of our children and our drinking water, State Senator Laura Fine (D-Glenview), passed legislation through the Senate that will provide Illinois residents a convenient way to safely dispose of unused medications. Under this law, championed by Representative Jennifer Gong Gershowitz (D-Glenview) in the House, pharmaceutical companies will be required to establish a drug take-back program statewide.
“Studies show millions of Americans get their water from sources contaminated by improperly disposed of medications,” Senator Fine said. “In addition, many people become addicted to opioids found sitting in their or their family’s medicine cabinets. Establishing a drug take-back program gives us a way to prevent access to those addictive medications.”
While some counties in Illinois have already established similar programs there is no statewide system in place that safely collects and disposes of medications, leaving some counties without a safe and secure way to dispose of substances.
Read more: Fine champions Drug Take-Back Act to prevent substance abuse
SPRINGFIELD – Drivers with autism or other disabilities that impede effective communication would have the peace of mind that an officer would recognize their condition during a traffic stop, thanks to a measure sponsored by State Senator Julie Morrison (D-Lake Forest).
“A routine traffic stop sparks anxiety for anyone – now imagine you are a driver who has autism or another medical condition that makes processing social cues and responding to commands difficult,” Morrison said. “That can quickly lead to a stressful situation for both the driver and the police officer.”
Read more: Morrison measure to bridge the communication gap for drivers with autism
SPRINGFIELD – Members of the Illinois Senate Democratic Caucus joined child care advocates and parents on Tuesday to introduce a slate of legislation that would invest in families and children.
“To strengthen the lives of Illinois children, we have to ensure families have the freedom to give their children richer and fuller lives,” said State Senator Celina Villanueva (D-Chicago). “By investing in their potential, we also indirectly construct more equitable communities that offer greater opportunities for growth.”
Legislation in the Strengthening Illinois Families and Children package include initiatives to expand the earned income credit, create a child tax credit, expand child care benefits to low-income families and funding for child care and early childhood education programs.
Read more: Senate Democrats introduce Strengthening Illinois Families and Children package
SPRINGFIELD – More members of Gold Star families would be eligible to receive dedicated license plates under legislation sponsored by State Senator Laura Ellman (D-Naperville) that advanced out of the Senate Thursday.
“Behind every brave service member who answers the call of duty is a family who makes great sacrifices as well,” Ellman said. “When a life is lost in the line of action, those families are left with memories and the thanks of a grateful nation.”
House Bill 5078 expands the current eligibility list for Gold Star Family license plates to include stepchildren, adopted children and half-siblings of veterans who lost their lives serving in a branch of the United States Armed Forces, and waives the registration fee for children in Gold Star Families. The legislation also aligns existing language regarding eligibility for a Gold Star lapel button with language used by the Department of Defense.
Read more: Ellman’s measure to support Gold Star Families passes the Senate
SPRINGFIELD – Senator Laura Fine (D-Glenview) is working to ensure children suffering from cleft lip and palate abnormalities have access to the health care coverage they need to prevent complications as they grow.
“Children and their families should not have to face expensive out-of-pocket costs to get necessary treatment for a child’s cleft lip abnormality,” Senator Fine said. “I am glad we are advancing this bill so that this health care treatment will be more accessible for our children.”
Read more: Fine increases health care coverage for children with cleft lip and palate abnormalities
SPRINGFIELD – To help service members who are transitioning from active duty to the workforce, State Senator Steve Stadelman (D-Rockford) passed a measure to designate the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs as the primary assistance agency under the U.S. SkillBridge Program that helps employers find skilled workers.
“We need to assist our military members in returning to the workforce and centralize the resources available to veterans,” Stadelman said. “By using this designation, veterans can find their benefits the same place they find job placement assistance and continue working and serving their community.”
Currently, the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs refers veterans seeking employment assistance to the Illinois Department of Employment Security. House Bill 5385 would designate IDVA as the primary statewide assistance organization under the U.S. Department of Defense’s SkillBridge Program, which matches service members who are transitioning from active duty with workforce development opportunities at participating employers.
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