SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Celina Villanueva advanced legislation from the Illinois Senate on Thursday that would allow every person in the care of the Department of Corrections to receive underwear and menstrual products free of charge.
“While women in the Illinois Department of Corrections are provided with some free feminine hygiene products, incarcerated women consistently state that the sanitary napkins and feminine hygiene products provided by the State are inconsistently provided or insufficient to meet their needs,” said Villanueva (D-Chicago). “As a woman myself, I cannot imagine having limited access to feminine hygiene products that are a necessity to my everyday life. These women are no different and deserve to have proper healthcare resources regardless of their incarceration.”
House Bill 4218 addresses the lack of equal healthcare, basic hygiene and gender disparities in IDOC facilities. The measure would make these products available for all men, women and non-binary individuals under IDOC supervision available free of charge.
Read more: Villanueva advances measure to provide free menstrual products in IDOC facilities
SPRINGFIELD – Illinois State Senator Linda Holmes has released the following statement in response to Thursday’s vote in the Senate to amend a criminal justice reform law that address issues of pretrial fairness in House Bill 1095:
“I appreciate the months of work by the stakeholders in this long process to reach consensus in amending the SAFE-T Act,” Holmes (D-Aurora) said. “As promised, numerous clarifications were made so that the bill would be interpreted and enacted in a uniform manner throughout the state in each of our 102 counties.”
Holmes voted no on the original legislation in 2021 because of some concerns she had through conversations with states attorneys and law enforcement in her district. She voted in favor of the bill Thursday with the new changes.
Parties engaged in this effort included law enforcement, states attorneys, the Coalition to End Money Bond, ACLU of Illinois, the Cook County Public Defender’s Office, the Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence, CAASE and more.
SPRINGFIELD — State Senator Robert Martwick celebrates collaboration with law enforcement officials and states attorneys to help pass a measure that clarifies the Pretrial Fairness Act portions of the SAFE-T Act and ensure smooth implementation of the law.
“I am pleased there was collaboration and participation by all parties, including law enforcement and states attorneys,” Martwick said. “We were able to clarify language to ensure the law works as intended, which is to improve protections for the public.”
“The intention behind the Pretrial Fairness Act has always been to improve public safety by reforming a broken system,” said Martwick (D-Chicago). “The political process highlighted some misconceptions about the language, and how that language could be exploited.”
House Bill 1095 provides clarification to misconceptions that were spread about the Pretrial Fairness Act portions of the SAFE-T Act since its passing in January2021. The intent of the Pretrial Fairness Act remains under this measure – it merely clarifies language.
Many Illinoisans were left confused as to what the law truly does following smear campaigns on social media and in the headlines of fake newspapers. Among the clarifications are a reminder that any person who poses a threat to the community or another person—including trespassers—can be arrested, judges can issue warrants and summons, and clarifies court authority when it comes to electronic monitoring, among other items.
The measure is a collaborative effort alongside law enforcement, states attorneys, Coalition to End Money Bond, ACLU of Illinois, the Cook County Public Defender’s Office, the Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence, CAASE, and more.
House Bill 1095 passed the Illinois Senate and awaits further consideration in the Illinois House.
SPRINGFIELD -- Senate President Don Harmon (D-Oak Park) issued the following statement today after the Senate passed legislation clarifying certain portions of the Pretrial Fairness Act:
“Our goal when we passed the Pretrial Fairness Act nearly two years ago was to overhaul a broken criminal justice system, one in which dangerous people could buy their way out of jail while people accused of non-violent crimes remain detained as they await their day in court simply because they lack resources.
“The measure we passed today preserves that goal while providing clarifications to eliminate any misunderstandings and ensure the implementation of this groundbreaking reform is smooth.”
*HB1095 is now pending before the Illinois House.
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Julie Morrison worked in tandem with local law enforcement officials to help pass a measure that clarifies the Pretrial Fairness Act portion of the SAFE-T Act and ensures smooth implementation of the law.
“I have heard the concerns from law enforcement and legal professionals – as well as community members – about the SAFE-T Act. While I supported the Pretrial Fairness Act, there were a number of items in the original law that needed clarification,” said Morrison (D-Lake Forest). “Over several months I talked with local law enforcement and other stakeholders about their concerns and am thankful they had a seat at the table during negotiations on this bill.”
A joint effort, the bill provides clarification to the Pretrial Fairness Act portions of the SAFE-T Act since its passage in January 2021. In recent months, a campaign against the law overwhelmed social media and headlines of fake newspapers, leaving many Illinoisans confused on what the law actually does and leaving law enforcement with a number of questions.
House Bill 1095 clarifies the law by explaining judges can issues warrants and summons, providing a reminder that any person who poses a threat to the community or someone else – including trespassers – can be arrested, and clarifying court authority when it comes to electronic monitoring, among other items.
“I am pleased we were able to work together to put forth a comprehensive measure that makes the law clearer, makes implementation smoother, and – most importantly – makes communities safer,” said Morrison. “This was a truly collaborative effort that I am proud to support.”
It passed the Senate Thursday and heads to the House for further consideration.
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Cristina Castro voted for a bill Thursday that would clarify language in portions of the Pretrial Fairness Act and ensure a smooth transition to implementing the law.
“These historic reforms are a result of collaboration between a diverse group of advocates, law enforcement, states attorneys, victims’ rights organizations and other stakeholders,” said Castro (D-Elgin). “Today, along with my colleagues in the Senate, we voted to preserve and reaffirm the Pretrial Fairness Act’s commitment to improving equity, safety and justice in our state’s criminal legal system.”
A joint effort, the bill provides clarification to common misconceptions spread about the Pretrial Fairness Act portions of the SAFE-T Act since its passage in January 2021. In recent months, a smear campaign against the law overwhelmed social media and headlines of fake newspapers, leaving many Illinoisans confused about what the law actually does.
House Bill 1095 clarifies that judges can issue warrants and summons, provides a reminder that any person who poses a threat to the community or someone else – including trespassers – can be arrested, and clarifying court authority when it comes to electronic monitoring, among other items.
The measure also adds certain charges – including forcible felonies, hate crimes and attempts of crimes that are otherwise detainable – to the list of crimes that qualify someone for detention. Sponsors added these crimes with the goal of ensuring that those who pose a risk to the community should be detained while those who simply lack bail money and do not pose a threat should not.
“Giving judges the authority to detain individuals who are a danger to public safety based on the facts of their case is the right thing to do,” said Castro. “I am proud to support legislation that not only puts an end to wealth-based incarceration in Illinois but also centers victims’ rights and puts public safety first.”
Under House Bill 1095, the intent of the Pretrial Fairness Act remains the same – the bill merely clarifies language to ensure it cannot be interpreted out of context.
House Bill 1095 passed the Senate Thursday and will move to the House for consideration.
SPRINGFIELD – In collaboration with law enforcement, states attorneys, criminal justice reform advocates and other stakeholders, State Senator Ram Villivalam helped advance legislation from the Illinois Senate that clarifies portions of the historic SAFE-T and Pretrial Fairness Acts.
“Thanks to a truly collaborative effort, we preserved the original intent of the Pretrial Fairness Act – to ensure that people are incarcerated based on their threat to our community, not their ability to pay bail,” said Villivalam (D-Chicago). “Despite false narratives about the law, the reforms made under the SAFE-T Act will have a smoother implementation in our justice system with this clarifying measure.”
House Bill 1095 provides clarification to the Pretrial Fairness Act portions of the SAFE-T Act since its passage in January 2021. The legislation makes clear that judges can issue warrants and summons, providing a reminder that any person who poses a threat to the community or someone else – including trespassers – can be arrested, and clarifying court authority when it comes to electronic monitoring, among other items.
The measure also adds non-probational felonies, forcible felonies, hate crimes, attempts of crimes that are otherwise detainable, and others to the list of crimes that qualify someone for detention. This was done with the goal of ensuring that those who pose a risk to the community should be detained while those who simply lack economic resources and do not pose a threat should not.
House Bill 1095 passed the Illinois Senate on Thursday and awaits further consideration in the Illinois House.
SPRINGFIELD – Following the misinformation campaign on the Pretrial Fairness Act, State Senator Patricia Van Pelt voted to pass House Bill 1095 out of the Senate. This bill seeks to clarify provisions in the Pretrial Fairness Act, which goes into effect this January.
“My colleagues and I are proud of what we’ve accomplished with the SAFE-T Act, and we wanted to ensure that the purpose of Pretrial Fairness Act is protected,” said Van Pelt (D-Chicago). “There was so much misinformation spread around the elimination of the cash bail system, and we wanted to make sure there is no confusion when the law is implemented in January.”
House Bill 1095 will clarify the Pretrial Fairness Act’s dangerousness standard, trespassing, and other terms related to the transition to the new system. Current detainees can request to have the new system applied to their situation, with the system designed to give the court extended time to review more serious cases.
Further, the measure explains that judges can issue warrants and summons, providing a reminder that any person who poses a threat to the community or someone else – including trespassers – can be arrested, and clarifying court authority when it comes to electronic monitoring, among other items.
“This bill is not really changing anything in the SAFE-T Act, rather guaranteeing that its language cannot be taken out of context,” Van Pelt said. “This was a collaborative process with law enforcement, states attorneys and other stakeholders, and so many people are awaiting this much-needed change.”
House Bill 1095 passed the Senate Thursday. The measure is a collaborative effort alongside law enforcement, states attorneys, End Money Bond Coalition, ACLU of Illinois, the Cook County Public Defender’s Office, the Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence, CAASE, and more.
To combat any confusion or misinformation, anyone with questions can find quick facts and graphics for the SAFE-T Act at HB3653.org.
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