Suits and Sneakers Day

SPRINGFIELD – In the final weeks of spring legislation session, the Illinois Senate Democrats sported sneakers in place of dress shoes to raise awareness of cancer prevention, screening and early detection.

“Today we are wearing suits and sneakers for cancer awareness. This day is to help raise visibility and funds to support the American Cancer Society’s work of supporting those with cancer,” said State Senator Karina Villa (D-West Chicago). “As chair of the Public Health Committee, I will continue to stand up and fight to improve our state’s health care for those who need it.”

According to the American Cancer Society, 42% of newly diagnosed cancers in the United States, excluding non-melanoma skin cancer, are potentially avoidable. Screening can help prevent and detect some cancers early, when treatment is less invasive and more successful.

Traditionally celebrated by the National Association of Basketball Coaches, Coaches vs. Cancer is a collaborative nationwide annual event to bring awareness to cancer, by wearing sneakers with their suits during games.

“Everyone knows someone who has fought cancer. I lost my father to cancer,” said State Senator Robert Peters (D-Chicago). “Wearing our sneakers is a simple way to remember our loved ones who have lost their battle with cancer and those who continue to fight for their lives.”

Illinois Senate Democrats observed Suits and Sneakers Day Wednesday, donning sneakers with business attire while remaining committed to legislative matters on the Senate floor. Standing in solidarity with individuals and families affected by a cancer diagnosis and the American Cancer Society, Senate Democrats remain committed in the fight against cancer and steadfast in their pursuit of a healthier state for all Illinoisans.