HB2443 koehler


SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Dave Koehler championed a measure to require insurance providers to cover hearing aids and related services for people of all ages.

“Illinoisans who are prescribed hearing aids shouldn’t have to pay high out-of-pocket prices,” said Koehler (D – Peoria). “Devices that make a significant improvement in someone’s day-to-day life should be accessible.”

House Bill 2443 builds upon the 2018 Koehler-supported measure that required insurance to cover hearing aids for children under the age of 18. Koehler’s measure expands on that by requiring insurers to provide coverage for everyone if their doctor prescribes a hearing instrument – which can cost up to $4,000.

“If your doctor prescribes medicine to you, it would be covered by your insurance,” said Koehler. “People shouldn’t have to bear the burden of having to pay for their hearing aids, or worse, not be able to afford it.”  

House Bill 2443 passed the Senate Wednesday.