SPRINGFIELD – Military service members and the Department of Revenue will see improvements when it comes to requesting and processing sales tax exemptions, thanks to a new law sponsored by State Senator Mike Porfirio.
“There are many sacrifices that our service men and women have made and they deserve any appreciation we can give them,” said Porfirio (D-Lyons Township). “This legislation removes the burden on our service members and provides them with a simpler way to receive this sales tax exemption.”
Read more: Porfirio legislation to streamline military sales tax exemptions process signed into law
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Willie Preston championed a new law that will require the Secretary of State to provide returning residents with an Illinois ID upon receipt of identifying documents the state will assist the individuals in obtaining.
“We are creating pathways for life after incarceration that will put every Illinoisan in a position to thrive,” said Preston (D-Chicago). “Offering formerly incarcerated individuals the support and resources they need to reintegrate back into their communities is necessary to reduce recidivism.”
Read more: Preston’s new law creates more successful reentry pathways for returning residents
SPRINGFIELD – Drug manufacturers and distributors will now be unable to spike the costs of generic medication thanks to a law spearheaded by State Senator Dave Koehler.
“Every Illinoisan deserves affordable access to necessary medication,” said Koehler (D-Peoria). “This law prevents companies from robbing residents just for an extra buck.”
House Bill 3957 creates the Illinois Generic Drug Pricing Fairness Act, which prohibits manufacturers and distributors from engaging in price gouging of essential off-patent and generic medication.
“We need to stake a stand for our residents and prohibit companies from these manipulative schemes,” said Koehler. “There should never be a situation when someone has to decide between picking up their medication or groceries for their family.”
House Bill 3957 was signed into law Friday and goes into effect Jan. 1, 2024.
SPRINGFIELD – State Senators Adriane Johnson, Robert Peters and Laura Fine – longtime advocates for addressing the root causes of homelessness – announced the Illinois Interagency Task Force on Homelessness and the Community Advisory Council on Homelessness were codified into law Wednesday morning.
“Homelessness is the effect of numerous causes,” said Johnson (D-Buffalo Grove). “By taking a comprehensive approach to decrease homelessness and improve health and human services, we are able to successfully combat root causes head on.”
“Preventing homelessness means eliminating its root causes, which include lack of affordable housing, poverty and lack of wraparound services,” said Peters (D-Chicago). “The HOME Illinois program is targeting the root causes of homelessness. The work the Department of Human Services will be doing in terms of street outreach, supportive housing and workforce development will make a world of difference for those experiencing housing insecurity and will pave the way toward Illinois achieving functional zero homelessness.”
Read more: Senate democrats celebrate transformative plan to end homelessness in Illinois
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