Sen. Hunter

SPRINGFIELD — Individuals with asthma could see significant savings on their prescription inhalers thanks to legislation from State Senator Mattie Hunter that passed the Senate on Thursday.

“No one should struggle to afford their medication while big companies profit,” said Hunter (D-Chicago). “While insurance plans cover a portion of asthma treatment costs, we can do more to eliminate the barriers individuals face when trying to manage this long-term condition.”

Senate Bill 3203 limits the cost an individual with health insurance pays for an inhaler to $25 for a 30-day supply. Under Hunter’s measure, health insurance providers would be prohibited from denying or limiting coverage for prescription inhalers beginning Jan. 1, 2026.

According to Illinois Department of Public Health data from 2018, more than 850,000 adults and 160,000 children in the state are diagnosed with asthma. Despite insurance coverage, many individuals still face out-of-pocket expenses ranging from $180 to $300 per month for inhalers. This legislation aims to alleviate this financial burden on asthma patients.

“In Illinois, we continue to prioritize residents’ needs by tackling rising medical costs, including limiting the price of EpiPens and insulin,” said Hunter. “This is one more step toward making health care affordable and accessible to those who need it.”

Senate Bill 3203 moves to the House for further consideration.