Chairwomen Crowe, Stuart pleased by collaborative effort
MARYVILLE – Recognizing the devastating effects isolation and emotional abuse could have on seniors during the pandemic, State Senator Rachelle Crowe (D-Glen Carbon) led a discussion about how to create additional protections for seniors at the final meeting of the Elder Abuse Task Force held Wednesday via teleconference.
“As a former prosecutor, I have witnessed numerous cases of older people being targeted, from scams to criminal abuse. Getting all involved departments into one discussion was an effective way to hear about the many forms elder abuse can take and the many ways it can harm,” Crowe said. “Considering the initiatives the group is exploring, I’m confident they’ll provide solutions we can act on to fight this growing threat to our elders.”
Read more: Elder Abuse Task Force meets to discuss issues related to COVID-19
CHICAGO – State Senator Patricia Van Pelt (D-Chicago) is calling for the Chicago Police Department to apologize for the murders of Fred Hampton and Mark Clark in 1969.
“The murders of Fred Hampton and Mark Clark were violent and brutal acts by the Chicago Police Department. Though it happened more than 50 years ago, Black Americans are still waiting for justice and accountability,” Van Pelt said. “How are Black and Brown Americans ever expected to trust the police when they got away with murder, and continue to do so?”
DEERFIELD – After months of delays, State Senator Julie Morrison (D-Lake Forest) is pleased to learn youth in the Department of Children and Family Service’s care will finally transition to a new Medicaid managed care program in September.
More than 16,000 foster children will transition to the new Medicaid managed care program this September, after nearly a year of delays. People who were formerly in care of the state’s foster program were transitioned to the new health care program in February, but the transition for current foster children was put on pause in an effort for them to receive a smooth transition to the robust care.
Read more: Morrison pleased with upcoming DCFS transition to Medicaid managed care
Census Bureau estimates Asian Americans as fastest growing demographic in the state
CHICAGO – Reacting to news that the Census Bureau has identified Asian Americans from countries like India and China as the fastest growing demographic group in Illinois, State Senator Ram Villivalam (D-Chicago) vowed to continue to vigorously support Asian Americans, both recent immigrants and those who have been here for generations.
“We need to ensure Asian Americans have access to all of the same state services as other Illinois residents,” said Villivalam, the first Asian American elected to the Illinois Senate and the Co-Chair of the Illinois General Assembly’s Asian American Caucus. “Making sure documents and websites are available in Asian languages is an important first step, and one that I’ve been pushing especially hard during the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Read more: Villivalam speaks for Illinois’ growing Asian American population in Illinois Senate
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