SPRINGFIELD – To better meet the needs of Illinois’ Indian American population, State Senator Ram Villivalam (D-Chicago) advanced legislation in the Senate State Government Committee to create the Illinois Indian American Advisory Council.
“As the son of Indian immigrants, I am committed to doing all I can to make Illinois the most welcoming state,” Villivalam said. “This council will uplift Indian voices and ensure all of the diverse communities that contribute to our state’s success have a seat at the table.”
Read more: Villivalam moves to create Indian American Advisory Council
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Mattie Hunter (D-Chicago) is spearheading a measure that would develop a program to award grants for apprenticeship programs.
“Many people are interested in participating in apprenticeship programs but often don’t have access to reliable transportation,” Hunter said. “Being able to afford transportation or child care would make a huge difference for many pursuing a career in trade.”
House Bill 5225 creates the Job Training Assistance and Support Services Pilot Program Act which requires the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity to develop a program to help aid individuals participating in an apprenticeship program, pre-apprenticeship program, or work-based learning program.
Read more: Hunter seeks to implement grants for apprenticeship programs
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Christopher Belt (D-Swansea) joined state legislators and fire officials to highlight a measure that would help recruit more volunteer firefighters and EMS personnel by providing an income tax credit at a press conference Wednesday.
“When your house catches on fire or you get in a car accident, you rely on first responders for assistance and protection,” Belt said. “Many communities are using paid-on-call firefighters who respond from home and receive just a small stipend or maybe minimum wage.”
Belt, alongside Representative Lance Yednock (D-Ottawa), representatives from the Illinois Firefighters Association and members of the General Assembly outlined a measure that would incentivize more long-term volunteer firefighters and EMS personnel.
SPRINGFIELD – Legislation sponsored by State Senator Laura Ellman (D-Naperville) would make more members of Gold Star families eligible to receive dedicated license plates.
“When a brave individual decides to step up and serve our country, their family serves, too,” Ellman said. “Missed holidays, birthdays and other special occasions are the price our service members and their families pay, and when a life is lost in the line of duty, loved ones are left with empty chairs and broken hearts.”
House Bill 5078 expands the current eligibility list for Gold Star Family license plates to include stepchildren, adopted children and half-siblings of veterans who lost their lives serving in a branch of the United States Armed Forces, and waives the registration fee for children in Gold Star Families. The legislation also aligns existing language regarding eligibility for a Gold Star lapel button with language used by the Department of Defense.
Read more: Ellman advances measure supporting Gold Star Families in Illinois
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