SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Meg Loughran Cappel championed a new law requiring public water supply operators to notify all health care facilities served by the public water supply of a water disruption event.
“The loss of clean water can create a dangerous environment for patients at hospitals and other health care facilities,” said Loughran Cappel (D-Shorewood). “Since Legionnaire’s disease can thrive in water pipes, it’s vital that we take preventative measures so the illness isn’t contracted and spread in the case of a water disruption event.”
Read more: Loughran Cappel measure addressing water disruptions passes Senate
SPRINGFIELD – Universities will no longer be able to withhold transcripts from students who have not yet paid off their tuition balance, thanks to a new law led by State Senator Laura Fine (D-Glenview).
“As a former professor, I have witnessed firsthand the immense sacrifices, including taking on debt, students undertake to earn their degree and pursue a fulfilling career,” Fine said. “The practice of withholding transcripts can make it harder for students to find the necessary employment to pay off their debts. This law will ensure students have access to the documents they have earned through hard work, regardless of outstanding debt.”
Read more: Senator Fine’s plan to assist students with debt signed into law
SPRINGFIELD – With America’s 250th birthday approaching in a few years, State Senator Doris Turner (D-Springfield) says it’s time to get the party planning started.
“This is a tremendous occasion. Our great country has a deep and beautiful history to highlight,” Turner said. “I am honored to play a role in this historic event.”
Turner, a Democrat from Springfield, was the chief Senate sponsor of a newly signed law that officially creates the Illinois party planning committee to work on how to best celebrate the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence on and around July 4, 2026. That law, first filed in House Bill 5015, was signed last Friday by the governor.
Read more: Senator Turner leads effort to make sure America’s 250th celebration is great
CHICAGO – To make essential health services accessible to immigrant and refugee communities, State Senator Ram Villivalam supported a measure to expand Medicaid-like benefits to non-citizens down to age 42 that was signed into law on Friday.
“As we were reminded over the course of the pandemic, our collective public health requires that all our neighbors be covered, regardless of immigrant status,” said Villivalam (D-Chicago). “Expanding health care coverage to as many people as possible will keep all our communities safe and healthy as we continue to recover.”
Read more: Villivalam: Expanding health coverage will keep all communities healthy
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