SPRINGFIELD – A measure sponsored by State Senator Christopher Belt (D-Swansea) that would allow water and sewer utilities to provide an additional financial assistance program passed committee on Thursday.
“Water and sewer services are essential services. You need them to live. Unfortunately, it’s often the case that low-income customers cannot afford their monthly bills,” Belt said. “This measure would help lessen that financial burden for these customers.”
Utility providers can choose to opt-in to the program, managed by the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, to ensure low-income citizens’ water and sewer services are available and affordable.
Read more: Belt measure would provide financial assistance for utility bills
SPRINGFIELD – Legislation sponsored by State Senator John Connor (D-Lockport) that automatically extends homestead exemptions for civilians and veterans with disabilities, as well as senior citizens, advanced out of the Senate Revenue committee Wednesday evening.
“The past year has been challenging for all of us,” Connor said. “As we work to provide relief, we must lend a helping hand to people who were already struggling before the pandemic.”
SPRINGFIELD – Undocumented college students could find tailored support on campus under legislation sponsored by State Senator Karina Villa (D-West Chicago), which passed a Senate committee Wednesday.
“Undocumented students on campus may be under an immense amount of stress regarding their immigration status, in addition to the already stressful higher education experience,” Villa said. “A dedicated liaison will help ensure students have equitable and inclusive access to campus programs.”
The legislation would require public universities and community colleges in Illinois to designate an employee as an Undocumented Student Resource Liaison, as well as encourage schools to establish an Undocumented Student Resource Center on campus to assist undocumented students.
SPRINGFIELD –There are 17 pet stores in Illinois that offer predatory installment contract loans for the purchase of a cat or dog. House Bill 572, sponsored by Senator Linda Holmes (D-Aurora) to prohibit these loans, passed the Senate Commerce Committee today.
“This is predatory lending with interest rates anywhere from 30 to 150 percent and higher,” Holmes said. “Most pet stores have issues with their animals coming from unprincipled breeders and puppy mills, which means many of their customers buy a pet for thousands of dollars that could be in poor health and may possibly die. Those consumers can end up thousands in debt and grieving as well.”
Read more: Holmes works to stop predatory contract loan practice in pet stores
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