CPZ ep 091421SPRINGFIELD – In response to the Senate’s passage of comprehensive clean energy legislation, State Senator Cristina Pacione-Zayas (D-Chicago) released the following statement:

“As extreme weather conditions currently threaten thousands across this country, we must realize that a 100% renewable energy future is not a dream, but an imperative. I’m proud to see Illinois take action to definitively end our reliance on fossil fuels that also protects communities that have been historically and systematically marginalized and harmed by the practices of corporate polluters.

I wanted to see greater accountability out of this bill and, while not perfect, this legislation makes unprecedented strides towards a fair, transparent transition out of a fossil fuel future. This legislation provides for minoritized communities and displaced workers to ensure that climate justice also means racial and labor justice in Illinois. We can and will take great leaps forward on all fronts with this bill.”

“After months of tough negotiations, we are closer than ever to an equitable green energy future in which people of all identities and lived experiences can pursue professional development, secure quality jobs and live in cleaner, healthier communities so we can all thrive.”