SPRINGFIELD – Following findings of testing bias in social worker licensure exams, State Senator Karina Villa moved a bill out of the Senate Licensed Activities Committee on Wednesday to provide social workers who are minorities another, more equitable avenue for obtaining a license.
“Social workers are the largest group of mental health care providers in the United States, and their dedication makes our communities a better place to live in,” said Villa (D-West Chicago). “Those who wish to become social workers should not feel discriminated against in the process of obtaining their license and beginning their career.”
House Bill 2365 provides a clinical social worker with an alternative route to obtain a license, given they complete an additional 3,000 hours of supervision after having taken and not passed the Association of Social Work Boards license exam. The bill also allows applicants to receive supervised training from other approved areas if no licensed clinical social worker is available for those additional 3,000 hours.
Read more: Villa pushes to increase social worker diversity in the workforce
SPRINGFIELD –State Senator Mike Simmons advanced a measure to provide safer heating and cooling standards for homes in 55 and up communities.
“Every resident in our state should live with the confidence that their housing conditions are safe,” said Simmons (D-Chicago). “It is our responsibility to ensure our older resident neighbors, both in the 7th District and across the state, live in safe and humane housing conditions.”
House Bill 2562 would create heating and cooling standards for properties that limit their ownership, rental and occupancy to people 55 years old or older.
Read more: Simmons ensures older residents have proper heating and cooling standards
SPRINGFIELD – Senator Villanueva championed legislation that allows charter schools to unionize without being penalized by management of the charter school.
“Employees of charter schools should never be made to feel like their voices do not matter and their teaching is not important,” said Villanueva (D-Chicago). “All teachers play a vital role in the educational success of our state’s students.”
House Bill 1120 is an initiative of the Chicago Teachers' Union that seeks to ensure that if the staff at a charter school chooses to form a union, the management of the charter school will not interfere.
Read more: Villanueva implements legislation that ensures charter schools can unionize
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Mike Simmons advanced a measure to protect minors who are survivors of human trafficking, and other trauma-related factors, from being tried as adults in a number of criminal court cases.
“Survivors of human trafficking should be provided support and empathy,” said Simmons (D-Chicago). “For decades our court systems have failed our youth. It is especially shocking and defies logic that youth who have been forced into abusive relationships and who have been traumatized end up being tried as felons. Trying survivors who are defending themselves while escaping their abusers adds to the trauma they’ve experienced. This is not a humane or civil response to a child who has experienced horrific abuse.”
Inspired by a survivor of child trafficking, Sara Kruzan, who was released and pardoned after being sentenced to life at 17 years of age, House Bill 3414 would reform the justice system to clarify whether a minor should be tried as an adult if the crime the minor commits is against someone who was convicted of human trafficking or of a sex crime targeting the minor within the last three years. If that is the case, the court would be able to transfer them to juvenile court.
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