CHICAGO – At a meeting of the Illinois Senate Black Caucus earlier this week, State Senator Robert Peters (D-Chicago) was unanimously elected by his colleagues as the new caucus chair.
“I am honored and humbled to have been elected by my colleagues as the new chair of the Senate Black Caucus, and I want to thank them for trusting me with this important position,” Peters said. “The list of issues facing Black communities in our state is long and relentless, and I am excited to lead our caucus as we fight to win real safety and justice.”
Peters takes over as chair following a tumultuous summer, during which the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and others by police sparked a nationwide movement of protests against police brutality and systemic racism.
Read more: Peters outlines goals as new Senate Black Caucus Chair
BUNKER HILL – State Senator Andy Manar (D-Bunker Hill) announced an open application period for the second round of Connect Illinois broadband grants to improve access to quality broadband service Downstate.
Manar, who serves as a chief budget negotiator for the Illinois Senate Democratic Caucus and chairs the Senate Appropriations II Committee, played an instrumental role in this program’s inclusion in the state budget.
“We made broadband expansion a part of the Rebuild Illinois plan because we were fully aware of the glaring gap in access to quality broadband services for many Downstaters,” Manar said. “The COVID-19 pandemic shed light on these already existing problems and made them exponentially worse.”
Read more: Manar announces applications open for second round of Connect Illinois grants
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Napoleon Harris (D-Harvey), will head a number of hearings later this month to review Illinois’ efforts to increase diversity in pension investment managers.
Under Illinois law, public employee pension systems must set and work toward diversity goals. They must also increase access to state contracts for investment management firms, brokerages and other vendors owned by minorities, women or people with disabilities. Since 2004, the Senate has held annual hearings to receive updates from the pension systems on their progress in meeting these goals and to discuss ways in which the state can continue to break down barriers for emerging investment managers and other financial professionals.
Read more: Harris to discuss state’s diversity goals for pension managers
PARK FOREST – As local organizations across the state band together once again to promote charitable giving, State Senator Patrick Joyce (D-Essex) is encouraging those who are able to give back to their communities this Giving Tuesday.
“Many charitable organizations are having a hard time serving those in need amid the pandemic,” Joyce said. “Fortunately, the pandemic is motivating a lot of generosity, and with Giving Tuesday underway, I hope people will find creative ways to give back this holiday season to help those struggling.”
Giving Tuesday, created in 2012 as a day to encourage people to do good, has since grown into a global movement for charitable giving on the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving.
Read more: Joyce: Giving Tuesday underway despite COVID-19 challenges
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