SPRINGFIELD – A measure sponsored by State Senator Patricia Van Pelt (D-Chicago) to permanently establish the Call4Calm text line to support Illinois residents' mental health needs was approved by the Senate, falling in line with Mental Health Awareness Month.
“Call4Calm was a great initiative during the COVID-19 pandemic, and can still benefit those who struggle with their mental health even after this pandemic is over,” Van Pelt said. “Mental health outcomes are more concerning than ever before due to the public health crisis, and this text line is an essential outlet.”
House Bill 1805 requires the Department of Human Services to permanently establish the Call4Calm text line, which would be free of charge and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Call4Calm was launched as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, serving as a remote patient monitoring program and support line available to anyone in the state.
SPRINGFIELD - State Senator Napoleon Harris, III (D-Harvey) passed legislation out of the General Assembly that would require all Illinois-regulated health insurance companies to offer predictable plans for drug benefits.
“Many families have a monthly budget, and knowing how much their drug copayment will be every month would give them the ability to better manage their finances,” Harris said. “Flat-dollar copay plans should be an option for everyone and should be available immediately.”
Currently, most health insurance plans have a structure for prescription drug copayments based on graduated tiers. For the highest levels of drugs, often called specialty care drugs, these plans usually use coinsurance – requiring patients to pay a percentage of the drug’s cost – rather than a copay.
Read more: Harris: Working families deserve flat-dollar copay plans
SPRINGFIELD – Legislation sponsored by State Senator Steve Stadelman (D-Rockford) that passed the General Assembly on Thursday would require public schools that offer sex education curricula to include a lesson about the risks of sexting.
“Technology has evolved a significant amount in the last decade,” Stadelman said. “This legislation would update Illinois’ sex education curriculum to include a lesson on sexting, so students can learn about the real-life consequences of the virtual act.”
The legislation would require schools that offer a sex education course or unit to revise their current curricula to include an age-appropriate lesson on sexting and its potential consequences.
Read more: Stadelman legislation teaches students the consequences of sexting
SPRINGFIELD – The Illinois State Senate approved a measure sponsored by State Senator Robert Peters (D-Chicago) that would increase transparency around misconduct and discipline at Chicago Public schools.
“Parents lose the ability to properly take care of their children if they don’t know about important events like fights at school,” Peters said. “Parents have the right to know what’s going on at their kids’ schools so that they can help their kids get the proper treatment and care to deal with traumatic events.”
Read more: Peters: Parents have the right to know what’s going on at their kids’ schools
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