SPRINGFIELD – Bringing a fresh perspective and extensive courtroom experience to a new challenge, State Senator Rachelle Crowe (D-Glen Carbon) has been appointed to Chair of the Illinois Senate Judiciary Committee, the first woman in state history.
“I am elated to be chosen as the first woman to lead the chamber in this coveted position,” Crowe said. “I’m excited to get started improving fairness and accountability in the Illinois court system for all people and children in our state.”
Read more: Crowe selected as first woman in state history to chair Senate Judiciary Committee
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant (D-Shorewood) was thrilled to hear Gov. JB Pritzker’s plans to increase investments in the state’s education system during the State of the State address on Wednesday.
“The most important investment we can make is in our children’s education,” Bertino-Tarrant said. “Increasing investments in child care and early childhood education will ensure that we are providing the best resources to help train the future leaders of our great state.”
The governor plans to build upon the historic investments that Bertino-Tarrant has supported to ensure schools are properly funded throughout the state.
In response to the governor’s emphasis on ethics reforms, Bertino-Tarrant agrees changes need to happen in Springfield to restore the public’s trust in elected officials.
“I work hard, and I’m dedicated to the people of Will County,” Bertino-Tarrant said. “The bad actors continue to make the rest of us look bad. I look forward to seeing the recommendations made by the bipartisan, bicameral ethics commission and am committed to supporting meaningful ethics reforms.”
The governor’s budget address is scheduled to be held on Wednesday, Feb. 19.
SPRINGFIELD — Illinois Senate President Don Harmon echoed Gov. JB Pritzker’s call for ethics reform in the wake of ongoing federal investigations.
In his State of the State address Wednesday, Pritzker said he wanted Illinois to adopt a revolving door prohibition to prevent elected officials from retiring one day and then immediately lobbying their former colleagues.
Harmon offered his support for the idea.
“I’ve long been troubled by the appearance of someone serving as a member of the General Assembly on Friday and becoming a lobbyist on Monday. That’s a problem and one we should tackle,” Harmon said. “You shouldn’t be a lawmaker one day and a lobbyist the next.”
Harmon also applauded Pritzker’s optimistic, positive tone to the speech, which was a marked contrast to the previous governor.
Read more: Senate President supports governor’s ethics push, renewed optimism
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Patricia Van Pelt (D-Chicago) listened as families relived the terrible days their loved ones were murdered during a Senate Public Health Law committee hearing this afternoon.
“Our voice is not being heard, “said Kristena Hopkins, Director of Missing and Murdered Women and Girls, whose cousin, Shantieya Smith, was slain back in 2018. “I feel like they want us to just shake it off and keep moving, but I refuse to because she has a eight-year-old daughter who deserves to know what happened to her mom.”
Latonya Moore, Shantieya’s mother, was also in attendance. After nearly two years of painfully awaiting any updates on her daughter’s case, she expressed her frustration about the lack of justice. This was her third time testifying before this committee.
“…My daughter, to me, feel like a John Doe... She don’t even exist.” Moore cried. “If you was born in my same shoes, how would you feel? Because it feel like I’m reaching out and I’m not getting no help.”
Director Brendan Kelly of the Illinois State Police said they have made progress in reducing the backlog by using new technology to reduce the delay in processing evidence and by hiring additional forensic scientists. The number of delayed cases are down by 16 percent since the changes were made.
“We want those kits to be tested. That has to be done.” Kelly said about the rape and murder kits.
After hearing from several witnesses and organizations during the committee, Van Pelt was unwavering in her pursuit of justice for these families.
“I am encouraged to see that ISP has made some progress in the last several months regarding the backlogs, but there is still a lot of work that needs be done.” Van Pelt said. “People have been waiting for due process for too long. I don’t care how we fix the problem, as long as it gets fixed.”
The task force is set to meet again near the end of February.
Today, members of the Illinois Senate joined the House of Representatives to hear Governor JB Pritzker’s second State of the State address. Here are some of our senators' reactions to what he said in his address and what they anticipate in this new legislative session.
Sen. Christopher Belt (Centreville): “I am glad to see Gov. JB Pritzker’s top priorities will revise our state’s ethics procedures, early childhood education and provide property tax relief for residents throughout the state. Providing property tax relief will help people with their basic expenses and hopefully retain our residents. I also support his vision for economic development for Illinois. He is continuing to push a statewide construction and infrastructure plan, which will help the economic growth in my district by creating jobs and increasing the quality of life of the community.”
Sen. Scott Bennett (Champaign): “I was pleased to hear the governor’s plans to invest in early childhood education and college affordability initiatives. College has never been more expensive and much work remains for all involved—everyone can agree on that, regardless of political affiliation. Under the governor’s leadership, I look forward to joining my fellow lawmakers to continue the fight to improve college access, affordability and completion for everyone in Illinois.”
Read more: Senators encouraged by priorities in governor's State of the State address
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Laura Murphy (D-Des Plaines) has been appointed to serve as Deputy Majority Leader of the Illinois Senate, Senate President Don Harmon (D-Oak Park) announced.
“I’m honored to take on the role of Deputy Majority Leader,” said Murphy. “It’s a privilege to be entrusted to represent my colleagues in this capacity, and I look forward to working with them to advance legislation that brings positive change to our great state.”
In her new role, Murphy will assist the Majority Leader to work with caucus members on policy issues and help advise them on legislative agendas.
As Deputy Majority Leader, Murphy hopes to unify the legislature to accomplish shared goals, like improving the state’s educational resources, fighting for the middle class and implementing ethics reform to restore the public’s trust in government.
“It’s exciting to be given the opportunity to help the Senate President move the Senate toward a common purpose,” said Murphy. “We are stronger when we stand together.”
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Michael E. Hastings (D-Tinley Park) was named to Senate President Don Harmon’s leadership team as the Majority Caucus Whip Tuesday.
“I am deeply humbled President Harmon has given me the distinct honor of serving on his leadership team,” Hastings said. “I have no doubt that under his leadership we will continue down the right path as we move into the next part of the 101st General Assembly.”
“While we accomplished monumental tasks in 2019, we have our work cut out for us in 2020. First and foremost, the inexcusable culture of corruption and greed in Springfield must end. As elected officials, it is our duty to live up to the oath we took to serve our constituency, and that mandate should not be taken lightly by anyone.”
Hastings’ top priorities for the 2020 legislative session include:
Hastings has served the 19th Legislative District since 2012, when he was elected as one of the youngest Senators in state history. Since then, he has worked tirelessly to pass legislation with the goal of improving the social and financial climate of the state of Illinois.
CENTREVILLE – State Senator Christopher Belt (D-Centreville) recently announced school districts in Cahokia and East St. Louis have received the Illinois State Board of Education Property Tax Relief Grant.
“This is the first step in creating long-term property tax relief for homeowners,” Belt said. “Taxes are a huge burden for Illinois residents, which is why I am pleased to announce that several communities in my district will benefit from this grant.”
The Property Tax Relief Grant helps school districts with high tax rates relative to other school districts with an opportunity to lower the property tax burden on local taxpayers with the state replacing a portion of foregone tax revenue with state funds.
The amount the school districts receive will be included in future calculations of those districts.
School districts receiving Property Tax Relief Grant:
More information on the Property Tax Relief Grant and a listing of each eligible school district can be found at www.ISBE.net/proptaxrelief.
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