CHICAGO – To keep women and children safe, legislation introduced by State Senator Celina Villanueva (D-Chicago) that would establish the Domestic Violence Fatality Review Committee was signed into law today.
“Families are counting on us to take proactive steps to prevent domestic violence,” Villanueva said. “Our plan creates dedicated teams of advocates and survivors to craft violence prevention policy in every corner of the state. These review teams will save lives and I am grateful to the governor for his commitment to keeping women and children in Illinois safe.”
Read more: Villanueva creates domestic violence committee to protect families
CHICAGO – A measure sponsored by State Senator Patricia Van Pelt (D-Chicago) and State Representative Lakesia Collins (D-Chicago) to create a Forensic Science Commission was signed into law Friday.
“This is why we have hearings, to guide the legislation that impacts culture,” Van Pelt said. “There are still people awaiting answers as the DNA backlog decreases, and a commission is needed to improve coordination between police and forensic scientists to help further the decrease in the backlog.”
Read more: Illinois to permanently establish Forensic Science Commission
CHICAGO – So students of all faiths can practice freely, a bill sponsored by State Senator Ram Villivalam (D-Chicago) and State Rep. Dan Didech (D-Buffalo Grove) that would provide students with five excused absences for religious holidays was signed into law today.
“Illinois is a diverse state with several religious communities,” Villivalam said. “Our school calendar will now reflect the diversity of our state and allow students of all faiths the flexibility to practice according to their religious calendar.”
Read more: New Villivalam law allows students excused religious absences
SPRINGFIELD – Public schools will recognize the historical and present-day contributions of Muslim Americans and those of other faiths in the state of Illinois under a new law sponsored by State Senate Laura Ellman (D-Naperville) that was signed into law on Thursday.
“It’s our responsibility to ensure all Illinoisans feel represented in this state,” Ellman said. “That begins by making sure students learn about people like them in school.”
Read more: New Ellman law ensures students learn about people like them in school
SPRINGFIELD – Students of all religious and cultural backgrounds can observe their traditions safely under a new law sponsored by State Senator Adriane Johnson (D-Buffalo Grove) that permits students to avoid rigorous physical activity at school during periods of religious fasting.
“Physical education class is a great opportunity for kids to stay active during the day, but during periods of fasting, it can be difficult to feel energetic,” Johnson said. “This law protects students’ right to do what’s best for their own health and wellness.”
SPRINGFIELD – Health insurance companies use prior authorization on patients’ proposed treatments, meant to ensure they are medically necessary. However it often forces patients to wait too long for needed and appropriate treatments. House Bill 711, sponsored by Senator Linda Holmes (D-Aurora) to ensure more timely approval, was signed into law by the governor on Thursday.
“It can be stressful for people requiring medical treatment, supplies and services to wait on approval for medical treatment, and these delays must end,” Holmes said. “For those with chronic or life-threatening conditions, it can be an ongoing battle for however long the treatment continues.”
Read more: New Holmes law shortens prior authorization delays by health insurers
LINCOLNSHIRE – Small businesses provide a space for people to come together and support their communities, inspiring State Senator Adriane Johnson (D-Buffalo Grove) to host the August edition of her monthly Coffee & Connect outreach event at a locally owned Italian eatery.
The event will take place Saturday, Aug. 28 from 10:30-11:30 a.m. at Bontà Pizzeria & Restaurant, located at 430 Milwaukee Ave. in Lincolnshire.
“During a time when so many businesses are struggling, I want to put a spotlight on the shops and restaurants that make the 30th District so vibrant,” Johnson said. “That’s why I chose to host Coffee & Connect at Bontà Pizzeria this month.”
Read more: Local mom-and-pop pizzeria to host Johnson’s Coffee & Connect
BUFFALO GROVE – After months of hard work and two successful community events, the members of State Senator Adriane Johnson’s (D-Buffalo Grove) 2021 Youth Leadership Advisory Panel are heading back to school armed with new skills and experience in community service.
“I’m proud to see how much the students on my 2021 Youth Leadership Advisory Panel have grown in the short time they’ve been working with my office,” Johnson said. “I hope this experience has empowered them to continue their activism and even pursue careers in public service.”
In June, Johnson selected six local high school and college students to participate on the 2021 Youth Leadership Advisory Panel, which worked alongside Johnson’s district office staff for nine weeks to help put together youth-centered community events and amplify young voices in the Lake County area.
The panel successfully executed two events this summer, including a community cleanup day in Foss Park, which drew over 50 participants, and a Gun Violence Prevention Roundtable featuring input from religious and community leaders.
The panelists include:
Wang, Baden and Mascarenhas served as co-chairs of the panel.
“The 30th District team benefited greatly from the creativity and innovation our panelists brought to the table,” Johnson said. “After working with such brilliant and talented young people, I have even stronger hope for our community’s future.”
Johnson plans to continue the Youth Leadership Advisory Panel program in 2022. The application period will be announced next spring on her website:
PHOTO: State Senator Adriane Johnson (D-Buffalo Grove) celebrated with her 2021 Youth Leadership Advisory Panel following the Gun Violence Awareness Roundtable the panel helped plan on Aug. 10. From left to right: Ellie Baden, Maddie Wang, Senator Johnson, Jason Mascarenhas and Maeve Griffin. Not pictured: Eliana Bernat and Francys Munoz.
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