SPRINGFIELD – Recent studies and research have found concerning levels of heavy metals like arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury in baby foods. Even in small quantities, these metals are known to put babies at risk of developmental delays. A measure, sponsored by State Senator Laura Fine, to inform families about baby foods containing toxic heavy metals passed the Senate Public Health Committee on Tuesday.
“Unfortunately, not many parents are aware about the potential exposure to toxic heavy metals in baby food, which can lead to health issues for a growing child,” said Fine (D-Glenview). “This measure is designed to provide toxin-free food that has been thoroughly tested, giving parents the peace of mind that they are giving their child the best possible nutrients.”
Read more: Fine advances safety measure to remove toxic metals in baby food
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Laura Fine’s legislation to ensure patients suffering from chronic pain receive necessary treatments has been signed into law.
“Patients with legitimate chronic pain are placed at further risk of self-medicating or mental and physical harm if they are restricted from accessing necessary medical treatment,” said Fine (D-Glenview). “Those suffering from chronic pain due to an injury or illness will now receive the care they need without barriers or misunderstandings.”
House Bill 5373 reflects new guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for the prescribing of opioids for chronic pain. The new law allows physicians to authorize necessary prescriptions for controlled substances, including opioids, without strict limitations based on dosage amounts except as provided under federal law.
Read more: Fine measure to expand chronic pain treatment signed into law
SPRINGFIELD – To ensure patients suffering from chronic pain receive recommended treatment, State Senator Laura Fine passed legislation to authorize physicians to prescribe controlled substances according to updated federal guidelines.
“To combat the opioid epidemic, in 2016 states instituted policies that severely restricted the prescribing of certain opioids," said Fine (D-Glenview). “As a result, chronic pain patients with a legitimate need for these medications were at risk of self-medicating and putting their mental and physical health in jeopardy.”
Read more: Senate passes Fine bill to facilitate chronic pain treatment
SPRINGFIELD – Working with advocates for patients with chronic pain and the State Medical Society, State Senator Laura Fine advanced legislation authorizing prescribers to make chronic pain health treatment decisions for their patients. In 2016, states began instituting policies severely restricting the prescription of certain opioids, however, for some patients this is a life-saving treatment.
“Chronic pain patients who cannot access the proper treatments may turn to self-medicating with dangerous alternatives. These alternatives can put a patient's physical and mental health at risk,” said Fine (D-Glenview). “This initiative allows for healthcare professionals to make medical decisions based on their patient’s needs.”
House Bill 5373 reflects new guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for the prescribing of opioids for chronic pain. The legislation allows physicians to make necessary prescriptions for controlled substances, including opioids, without strict limitations based on dosage amounts except as provided under federal law.
Read more: Fine to expand chronic pain treatment and enhance patient confidentiality
SPRINGFIELD – Senate Behavioral and Mental Health Chair Laura Fine held a joint subject matter hearing with State Representative Lindsey LaPointe Monday to discuss funding for addiction resources and treatments.
“As health care needs continue to evolve, it is crucial that we reflect on responsible investments to address equitable access of such care,” said Fine (D-Glenview). “Hearing from subject matter experts and medical providers on the impact of their services allows us to make informed plans for future investments.”
GLENVIEW – Legislation sponsored by State Senator Laura Fine and State Representative Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz, aimed at addressing critical gaps in Illinois' health insurance, has been signed into law by the governor. The new law guarantees individuals with major jaw injuries including those caused by cancer, access to essential medical treatments without the fear of insurance denials.
“This law closes a major loophole for patients requiring necessary medical treatments for a life-threatening disease. It ensures that in a time of crisis, no one has to experience financial roadblocks to receiving medical care,” said Fine (D-Glenview). “This new law is a common sense solution resulting from the collaboration between the Illinois State Dental Society and the Insurance industry. As a result, cancer patients requiring jaw surgery will have coverage for the care they need.”
The legislation started when an Illinois resident undergoing treatment for Jaw cancer required extensive reconstructive surgery and dental implants to restore basic functions like eating and speaking. However, when this patient turned to their insurance provider for help, they were met with denial. The insurance company labeled the dental implants as "cosmetic," refusing to cover the cost, despite the critical and obvious role these implants played in the patient's recovery.
Read more: New law inspired by Illinois jaw cancer patients' struggle closes health insurance gaps
SPRINGFIELD – In an effort to reduce the amount of plastic waste across Illinois, State Senator Laura Fine championed a law to phase out the use of small, single-use plastic bottles in hotels.
“Tiny plastic bottles provided by hotels that contain personal care products, like shampoo and conditioner, produce unnecessary plastic pollution,” said Fine (D-Glenview). “By taking an environmentally conscious approach to hospitality, we can reduce plastic pollution across the state and throughout our waterways.”
Sen. Fine’s law, known as the Small Single-Use Plastic Bottle Act, requires hotels with 50 or more rooms to eliminate the use of small, single-use plastic bottles containing personal care products in individual rooms and public bathrooms beginning July 1, 2025. By Jan. 1, 2026, all hotels with fewer than 50 rooms are expected to make this transition.
Read more: Hotel industry to reduce plastic waste thanks to Fine law
SPRINGFIELD – To protect state employees from unexpected opioid overdoses in the workplace, a new law championed by State Senator Laura Fine aims to provide protection through the availability of lifesaving resources.
“The opioid crisis can impact any community, and we need to ensure no one is left without necessary resources to save a life,” said Fine (D-Glenview). “This law supports our state’s workforce by expanding access to opioid antagonists to trained workers.”
This law allows opioid antagonists to be made available at state agencies once employees are trained on how to properly administer the medication. The law also protects employees from civil liability should they administer the overdose reversal medication.
Read more: New Fine law protects state workers from opioid overdose
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