Zoom and Drive


SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Javier Cervantes sponsored legislation that would prohibit all drivers from using an electronic communications device while operating a motor vehicle in Illinois, including any video conferencing or social media applications.

“We are prioritizing safety with this legislation, because no video call is worth someone getting hurt,” said Cervantes (D-Chicago). “We are taking action against drivers who put themselves and everyone around them in danger with straightforward legislation that will protect Illinois drivers.”

House Bill 2431 would make it illegal to use any electronic communications devices while operating a motor vehicle, including the use of cell phones and tablets for streaming videos and participating in video conferences on platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams and WebEx. Additionally, the bill prohibits any social media applications like Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram and Twitter from being used while operating a motor vehicle on a public roadway.

Drivers that are currently allowed a permit to use electronic communication devices in hands-free or voice-operated mode by pressing a single button to activate would be exempt from this legislation.

“Taking positive steps to change the culture surrounding distracted driving will lead to more responsible drivers and ultimately save lives,” Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias said. “Zooming, streaming videos and video conferencing takes hands, eyes and minds off the focus of driving. This measure will go a long way toward changing bad behaviors for the better. I thank Senator Cervantes’ leadership for shepherding this legislation through the Senate and helping to make Illinois roads safer.”

House Bill 2431 passed the Senate on Wednesday.
