faraci 050323DANVILLE – Following the Danville City Council’s ordinance to prohibit the shipment of Mifepristone – which is commonly used for abortion and miscarriage management and other reproductive health care needs – State Senator Paul Faraci urged the state’s attorney general to take immediate action against the unconstitutional mandate.

“The government should not get involved in decisions made between a person and their doctor. People deserve to have access to reproductive health care free from infringement from politicians,” said Faraci (D-Champaign). “During my time in the Senate, I will continue to be an advocate for women’s health care access and ensure that protections are in place to allow residents to make the best health care decisions for themselves.”

On Wednesday, Faraci sent a letter to Attorney General Kwame Y. Raoul, urging him to take swift action to address Danville’s ordinance. It comes the day after the Danville City Council passed an ordinance that would prohibit the shipment of abortion pills, such as Mifepristone, to the city.

“I have been in contact with Attorney General Raoul to request swift action to protect Danville resident’s rights to make to their own health care decisions,” said Faraci. “My hope is that immediate action is taken to protect women’s constitutional rights.”

Faraci is deeply committed to protecting the right and health of all Illinois residents. He will continue to work alongside the attorney general to ensure residents have the right to make their own health care decisions.