Sen. Paul Faraci

SPRINGFIELD — State Senator Paul Faraci joined Governor JB Pritzker on a visit to the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign to highlight future investments in higher education.

“College affordability is an issue that affects parents all across the state,” said State Senator Paul Faraci, (D-Champaign). “As a father to a 17-year-old daughter, I believe that the proposed funding increase to higher education will provide financial security to many families and allow more children to further their education right here in Illinois.”

Faraci is supporting an increase in MAP Grant Funding in the governor’s proposed Fiscal Year 2024 budget, which would help ensure every student who wants to go to college has an affordable path to do so. Pursuing higher education degrees would become more attainable if the $100 million investment into the MAP Grant Program is made.

Public universities across Illinois saw the highest enrollment numbers in six years. Over 94,861 students are being served at the University of Illinois, representing 52% of the state’s public university enrollment.

The Illinois General Assembly is expected to pass the Fiscal Year 2024 budget by the scheduled May 19 adjournment.