

CHAMPAIGN - State Senator Paul Faraci has introduced Senate Bill 1752, which aims to reduce the number of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities on the Prioritization for Urgency of Need for Services database.

The PUNS list currently has 14,806 individuals who want or need Developmental Disability Waiver Services. As funding becomes available, individuals are selected from PUNS to apply for the waiver. However, the demand for these services far outweighs the available funding, leaving many individuals waiting for years to receive the assistance they need.

"The PUNS list has been a concern of mine for many years, and I am thrilled to introduce this bill that will help reduce the backlog of individuals waiting for developmental disability waiver services," said Faraci (D-Champaign). "Every person on the list is someone who needs help, and it's our duty to ensure that they receive the support they require to live a happy and fulfilling life."

Senate Bill 1752 requires the Department of Human Services to reduce the number of individuals on the PUNS database by at least 800 persons by June 30, 2023, no fewer than 1,000 persons between July 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025, and no fewer than 1,200 persons beginning July 1, 2026 and every July 1 thereafter, until the list is exhausted.

The bill will provide relief to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities who have been waiting for services, and will ensure that funding is allocated more efficiently to those who are most in need.

"I urge my colleagues in the Senate to support this bill, which will make a significant difference in the lives of the people we serve,” said Faraci. “This is the right thing to do for children and families that deserve better.”

If passed, Senate Bill 1752 will provide a much-needed solution to the challenges faced by individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. It will help to reduce the wait time for critical services, improving the quality of life for those who require assistance.
