SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Mike Halpin’s bill to support Rock Island mental facilities and vulnerable Iowa patients passed committee today.
“Health care access is a concern that crosses state lines,” said Halpin (D-Rock Island). “Allowing Iowa patients to access Rock Island mental health infrastructure is a win-win, particularly with the quality care our facilities can provide.”
Senate Bill 188 would allow for Iowa involuntary in-patient admissions to be accepted at Rock Island County facilities in Illinois. Illinois law presently does not allow for involuntary admissions to cross state lines and patients may have to travel upwards of five hours away to receive care.
“This bill will give vulnerable patients access to a facility closer to their families and home towns,” said Halpin. “Allowing in-patient services across state lines will further integrate the Quad Cities and benefit residents on both sides of the river.”
Senate Bill 188 passed the Senate Behavioral and Mental Health Committee and now heads to the Senate for further consideration.