halpin 041823SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Mike Halpin advanced legislation that aims to increase access to higher education by modernizing and removing barriers to student directory information. 

“By expanding access to student directory information, we can ensure that students are presented options and can make informed decisions about their future,” said Halpin (D-Rock Island). “We want to keep Illinois students in Illinois for higher education, and this information will help.”

One of the key components of the legislation is expanding access to student directory information to public higher education institutions in Illinois. By Jan. 1, 2024, student directory information must be made available electronically through a secure centralized data system for official recruiting representatives of the armed forces of Illinois and the United States and to public higher education institutions in Illinois. This will allow colleges and universities to reach high school students more effectively, at a lower cost, and inform them of educational and career opportunities for their school.

Currently, a school board can provide student directory information including a student's name, address and telephone number to official recruiting representatives of the armed forces of Illinois and the United States for the purpose of informing students of educational and career opportunities. House Bill 3759 expands this by allowing school boards to provide student directory information to institutions of higher education for the purposes of informing students of educational and career opportunities for their school.

“The goal of the legislation is to get more information about in-state universities to high school students in Illinois,” said Halpin.

House Bill 3759 advanced through the Senate Higher Education Committee and awaits further consideration before the full Senate.