0222230920KP Halpin


SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Mike Halpin advanced a measure through the Senate State Government Committee which will require lodging establishments in Illinois to provide Human Trafficking Recognition Training (HTRT) to their employees in order to receive state and local funds.

"Human trafficking is a terrible crime that destroys lives and tears apart families," said Halpin (D-Rock Island). "We have a responsibility to do everything we can to combat this heinous practice and ensure that our state is a safe and welcoming place for all people.”

The legislation aims to combat human trafficking in Illinois by ensuring that employees of lodging establishments are trained to recognize and report signs of human trafficking. By making HTRT a requirement for lodging establishments to receive state and local funds, the bill will create a strong incentive for businesses to invest in training their employees and help prevent human trafficking from occurring in Illinois.

"Human trafficking is a global problem, but we can make a real impact right here in Illinois," said Halpin. "We need to stand up and say we will not spend taxpayer dollars at hotels who fail to provide this training.”

Senate Bill 1236 passed the Senate State Government Committee on Wednesday and awaits further action.
