tharp opioids 100722MARYVILLE – To continue his advocacy on behalf of working families and to help reduce the opioid epidemic’s widespread harm, State Senator Kris Tharp was appointed to serve on the Illinois Opioid Remediation Advisory Board.

“Opioid addictions can not only lead to fatalities but can also induce hardships for working families, such as safety and financial concerns,” said Senator Tharp (D-Bethalto). “In my position as a law enforcement officer, I’m familiar with the prevalence of opioid abuse in Madison County. I’m grateful for this appointment and the opportunity to ensure resources are fairly distributed to reduce the epidemic.”

Under the direction of the Illinois Department of Human Services, the Opioid Remediation Advisory Board serves as a sub-committee to the Opioid Prevention and Recovery Steering Committee.

With this appointment, Senator Tharp will join the board in making advisory recommendations to ensure an equitable allocation statewide of the Opioid Remediation Trust Fund.

“Anyone can fall victim to an addiction, and it’s critical for families to have access to resources across the state,” said Senator Tharp. “I look forward to my role and bringing my experience to the board.”