
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Doris Turner is championing a measure to increase the number of hunting tags landowners can receive without having to go through the lottery process.

“I’ve heard from constituents who can’t hunt on their land because of the current rules and regulations and have been forced to enter into the lottery for a chance to get hunting tags,” said Turner (D-Springfield). “Illinois landowners who have met the criteria should be able to hunt on their land.”

Senate Bill 914 would allow for two additional landowner deer, turkey and combination permits if the property is solely owned by family members who do not live at the same property. Currently the Illinois Department of Natural Resources allows only one permanent address of record to receive a free landowner permit. Additional owners of the land who do not live at the address have to enter into the lottery drawings to receive a permit to hunt on their land.

Under Turner’s measure, additional landowners would be required to pay the regular permit price — $15 for turkey permits and $25 for deer permits — rather than enter the lottery.

“By increasing the number of tags, we have a great educational opportunity that would allow kids who sport shoot to be able to hunt with their parents on their land,” said Turner.

Senate Bill 914 passed the Senate and heads to the House for further consideration.