

Springfield –State Senator Doris Turner joined the governor and a number of local community leaders Thursday to highlight investments into the Preschool for All program.

 I’m proud of the work we have done to promote high quality education for our children,” said Turner (D-Springfield). “Preschool is the very beginning of our student’s education. Giving our children a strong education at an early age gives them the foundation for more educational opportunities to come. I look forward to working more with Governor Pritzker to continue high quality childhood education for all of our children throughout Sangamon County.”

This visit comes after the increased funding of the Early Childhood Block Grant last August. This increase brought in an all-time high for statewide funding. This allows young children the ability to receive home-visiting services, as well as half-day and full-day preschool. Since the grant has been introduced, the Illinois has seen over 6,300 new half-day preschool slots, 1,000 new full-day preschool slots and 1,075 new home-visiting slots.

“We increased the Early Childhood Block Grant funding by $50 million my first year in office. This fiscal year we saw a $54.4 million increase to the grant funding which now totals nearly $600 million” Turner said. “This grant will continue to create new opportunities for our children each and every day.”