
SPRINGFIELD – During Manufacturing Month, State Senator Doris Turner highlights the importance of manufacturing in Illinois.

“Our state’s manufacturers drive our region’s economy,” said Turner. “The 48th District is lucky to be home to many up and coming businesses that ensure our state meets the demands of our global economy.”

The manufacturing industry supports $580 billion in annual economic impact and is the largest growing sector in Illinois. Manufacturers across the state employ more than 662,000 men and women on factory floors, earning an average wage of more than $79,400 and 92% of employees receive employer sponsored health care.

Last month, Turner joined lawmakers and area stakeholders such as Richland Community College President Cris Valdez to award T/CCI Manufacturing in Decatur the state’s first Reimagining Electric Vehicles tax credit. 

Turner is happy to see the city welcome this innovative industry that will help generate good-paying jobs throughout the region.

“Careers in manufacturing are the jobs of tomorrow,” said Turner. “We are fortunate to have world-class facilities across Central Illinois that help train and educate students for careers that sustain families and grow our economy.”

During the last legislative session, Turner supported a number of measures to support and grow manufacturing in Illinois such as the Manufacturing Illinois Chips for Real Opportunity (MICRO) Act that provides a range of tax credits for semiconductor, microchip and component part manufacturers to support new employee training while also encourage companies to develop operations in underserved communities and energy transition areas.

“The MICRO Act strengthens the in-state supply of semiconductors, microchips and their component parts and increase availability for manufacturing production nationwide,” said Turner. “This is another way to put Illinois on the map as a top supplier.”

To learn more about job training programs at Richland Community College, residents can visit