Automotive assembly lineDECATUR – State Senator Doris Turner is excited to join community stakeholders to announce that T/CCI Manufacturing in Decatur is the first to be awarded the Reimagining Electric Vehicles in Illinois tax incentive package.

Turner (D-Springfield) is pleased to see Decatur becoming an economic hub in Central Illinois.

“This first award through the REV Tax Incentive Program and the grants awarded through Rebuild Illinois are just the beginning of what’s possible when we invest in local business and work together to drive innovation that will change the future of our transportation system,” said Turner. “It can be done, and together, through this public-private partnership we are paving a new road that will lead to economic growth, good paying jobs, and a positive contribution to long-term sustainability initiatives.”

Turner advocated for the bipartisan passage of House Bill 1769, which creates financial incentives through tax credits for manufacturers of electric vehicles, parts, and power supplies.

She also supported funding toward REV incentives valued at $2.2 million. The State’s Fiscal Year 2023 budget allocated $21.3 million in capital grants to the City of Decatur and Richland Community College to create a first-of-its kind research and innovation facility and training program in partnership with T/CCI.

“I am proud to be part of these efforts that are creating good paying jobs, and bringing new and innovative businesses and manufacturers to our region,” Turner said. “We can rest assured that our workforce will be ready to tackle the jobs of tomorrow, thanks to the exceptional training programs and facilities in our region. We are watching this all happen in our own backyard.”

Headquartered in Decatur, T/CCI currently manufactures a variety of compressors suited for combustion vehicles at its Decatur manufacturing facility, while manufacturing compressors for electric vehicles at its facilities abroad in China and India. T/CCI will invest more than $20 million to retool its Decatur facility to transition to electric compressor manufacturing, which will create more than 50 new jobs, while retaining 103 positions of its current workforce for a minimum total of 150 positions.

“Together we are establishing a new model for Illinois that sets the stage for how education, research and industry work together to cohesively advance us faster, invest in our people and grow our economy,” said Richland Community College President Cris Valdez. “This state-of-the-art facility will provide world class training in electrification, a registered apprenticeship program, along with immersive industry partnerships and testing available to the electric vehicle industry. At the same time, it will build the bridge from employer and unemployed to keep pace in a rapidly changing economy, and address the need to build a skilled workforce. We are extremely excited to be a part of this endeavor and grateful to Governor Pritzker and DCEO for their investment in Richland Community College.”