decatur sign 060822DECATUR New construction projects will soon pop up around Decatur to better roads and bridges thanks to the State Senator Doris Turner-backed Rebuild Illinois plan.

“The region is slated for major redevelopment and revitalization,” said Turner (D-Springfield). “The Rebuild Illinois plan doesn’t just help fix our roads and bridges, it brings job growth to the community.”

Decatur will see nine projects over the next year. One of the major projects is currently taking place on I-72 from the Sangamon County line to about 1.5 miles west of U.S. 51. This project is a total resurfacing, which has closed down lanes during construction but still allows for travel. The project will cost around $20 million and is expected to be completed by November.

Another project of note is Old U.S. Business 51 from I-72 to IL 121. This project, which is slated to start this month, will consist of resurfacing the road and making ADA improvements including sidewalk ramps. The bridge joints will also be replaced. The $8.69 million project is expected to be completed in the fall of 2023.

“These projects will bring forth smoother, safer travel for local residents said Turner. “The traffic may seem tedious now, but drivers will soon be able to reap the benefits.” 

Rebuild Illinois accomplishments through March include approximately $7.3 billion of improvements statewide on almost 3,800 miles of highway, more than 370 bridges and nearly 550 additional safety improvements. People can visit the IDOT website for information and highlights of other Rebuild Illinois projects happening throughout the state. For a full list of projects happening in Decatur, click here.