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SPRINGFIELD – To address the teacher shortage across Illinois, State Senator Doris Turner (D-Springfield) is leading a measure to allow school districts to hire substitute teachers with a short-term license for longer periods of time.

“Advancing this bill will mean that schools across the state will have an easier time finding a well-qualified substitute to stand in their place,” said Turner “The pandemic has caused many aspects of our society to adapt – especially our schools.”

The pandemic has caused a great deal of disruptions, especially to the education system in Illinois. The state is currently facing a teacher shortage, and with COVID-19 causing a great deal of teacher absences, the need to have qualified individuals step in is vital time. The bill will raise the cap on consecutive days a short-term sub can teach from five to 15 days.

“I hope this bill alleviates some of the educational stress around our classrooms,” Turner said. “I am hopeful we can continue to work together on this commonsense solution that ensures the children of Illinois retain their access to a high quality public education.”

“Teachers across the state are being asked to sacrifice our planning time in order to sub for a different class,” Courtney Goss, a Springfield teacher, said. “This bill will help us reclaim our valuable planning time so we can focus on our students during this difficult time.”

Senate Bill 3907 passed the Senate Thursday and moves to the House for further consideration.

