turner 010622SPRINGFIELD – The subject of agricultural sciences can now be counted toward admission to an Illinois public university under a plan backed by State Senator Doris Turner (D-Springfield).

“The expansion of agricultural education for high schoolers and college students will validate rural students who choose this career path,” said Turner. “I’m extremely proud of the work done to expand our current curricula to include specialized sciences.”

Prior to the passage of Senate Bill 1624, the minimum requirements to gain admission to state universities included the completion of at least 15 units of high school coursework in the following subjects: English, social studies, mathematics, laboratory sciences and electives in either foreign language, music, vocational education or art.

Agricultural sciences has officially been added as a course of study that can be counted towards the requirement for three years of sciences in order for students to gain admission to an Illinois public university.

“This legislation adds some conformity to the previously available options,” said Turner. “It is my hope that with this, students feel more confident and passionate about their career choices when choosing to study multidisciplinary sciences.”

Senate Bill 1624 was signed into law in March and went into effect on Jan. 1.